drugin' | thirty three.

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September 15, 2019

Walking out of his bedroom, Dave repositioned the headband on his braids

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Walking out of his bedroom, Dave repositioned the headband on his braids. He paused at Cruz room and peaked his head inside to see if he was awake or sleep. The three year old comfortably laid on his stomach, snoring softly. With him starting school a few weeks ago along with his sister, Cruz start taking advantage of sleeping in on weekends and not fighting his tiredness how he used to.

Dave chuckled lightly before ambling away from his door and heading downstairs. Approaching the kitchen, he smelled the scent of food seasoning. He rounded into the kitchen where his mother and father already occupied seats at the island counter; talking while Senior seasoned the meat.

"Mornin' family," he greeted patting his father's shoulder and kissing his mother's cheek. "Whatchall cookin'?"

"Morning, baby. That's all ya Daddy there."

"Would explain the apron," he chuckled, "whatchu hookin' up?"

"Steak and eggs," Senior responded. "And no I'm not cookin it right away. I gotta let this marinate."

"Aight then," Dave took a seat adjacent from his mother.

"Isn't Shantey coming?" Francesca questioned.

"Yeah," he checked his phone. "She on her way right now."

"We need to have a Mother Son talk..." Francesca spoke in a serious tone, gaining Dave's undivided attention. "Are you really prepared for another baby? I mean, you'll always have our help but your career is growing and so is hers. Then, she's mainly in California where one of her son's are. She's not going to leave him to live here permanently or take him away from his own father."

"Yeah," he answered, smirking slightly.

Dave continued saying, "whatever she do bout that situation wit her otha son father on her

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Dave continued saying, "whatever she do bout that situation wit her otha son father on her. My son's gone be here. I'm not relocating nowhere."

"But think of how difficult it could be on her too," Senior chimed in, holding eye contact with his son. "She can't just up and relocate permanently either with her son being on another side of the coast. Just like you not tryna have your son living in California, I'm pretty sure the other father isn't coo with his son coming to live out here. You can't have it your way with this situation. Give her time. She's pregnant, on a tour, prolly stressing about the living situation, and dealing with the media stuff with her documentary. Y'all will have it figured out by time the baby gets here."

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