drugin' | twenty seven.

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June 4, 2019

The bright sun shines through sheer curtains of the floor-to-ceiling triple glazed window that offers the jaw-dropping unobstructed view of the city

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The bright sun shines through sheer curtains of the floor-to-ceiling triple glazed window that offers the jaw-dropping unobstructed view of the city.

Laying out on the Queen-sized bed is Shantey and Dave. She lays on her stomach, facing the window with her curly hair covering the pillow and parts of her face. While he lays beside her; arm around her body and head laying on the pillow right beside hers.

Shantey inhales deeply from her nose as she moves around under the sheets. She consciously starts to wake up and overhears The Boy Is Mine by Brandy plays softly. She opens her eyes, that squints quickly when the sun pierces into them. She lifts her hand and looks towards the 50" flat-screen smart Tv mounted on the wall and see that's where the music is playing from.

She raises her body fully; a heavy head from the liquor she drunk the previous night. She's very aware of Dave sleeping beside her. She may have consumed plenty of shots, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know what happen the night before. Her body aches from the several rounds they had last night. It didn't stop after only one.

Shantey spots her phone on the stand beside the bed. She reaches her body over Dave and grabs it, pressing the button to brighten her screen. It's going on one in the afternoon. She's been unconscious for majority of the day thanks to the Cognac.

She unlocks her phone to several missed calls and texts. Calls from Tavon, Sino, Anissa, and her team as well as Amanda. One text from Romeo and many from Tavon. Battery lowering to 5%. She was expected on a flight back to California a few hours before, so she knows everyone is calling wondering where she is. She opens the text from her son first.

Shantey smiles at Romeo text and responds, I love you too

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Shantey smiles at Romeo text and responds, I love you too. Be home soon. It delivers right when her phone dies and Dave's cell start ringing on the stand as well. He shifts in his sleep, groaning hearing the sound of his phone interrupting his sleep. She leans off of him so he could reach over and grab his phone. He answers his phone without looking to see who's calling.

"Yeah?" He groggily asks, grabbing her waist to prevent her from standing. "Nah, I'm still at the hotel. . . Oh he still here?. . I'll ride back wit em. . . Aight, I'll see y'all inna minute." Then, he hangs up.

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