Chapter 4

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For the rest of the night, we all talked and watched movies. The Slytherins all stayed the night and we ended up crashing in my hangout room.

When I woke up I got out of bed and I climbed back up to change. I went into my closet and changed into a blush pink crop top and some ripped, bleached jeans. I brushed my hair and then headed back down to the hangout room.

When I got to the bottom of the ladder I looked around and saw Malfoy was the only other one up.

"Morning Malfoy."

"Morning Zabini."

I walked over to him and helped make the bed he had fallen asleep in, "I never said thank you for helping me get down last night."

"It was no problem. Your twin should've known you were scared of heights since nobody has ever seen you on a broom," he replied.

We finished making the bed and I went over to the one I had slept in and started making it, "So I know you probably already know this but I just want to say I forgive you."

He looked over at me and looked at me confused, "You do? I mean I get that you forgive the others since they didn't do as much. But I repeatedly called you mu- you know, that. Plus I never stopped messing with you, Potter, and Weasel."

"Well that was because you had to be a spy right?" he nodded, "Then I forgive you."

I finished making my bed and laid down and played some games on my phone.

"So how do you get out of here?" Malfoy asked.

"The ladder goes up into my room. Once you leave my room you'll be able to find your room." I replied.

He nodded and headed up the ladder.

Over the next hour, people woke up and headed upstairs to change and get ready. I eventually decided to head upstairs and I went up through my room and back down to the living room.

People gradually joined me and we all ended up hanging out together in the living room. Astoria and Theo were sitting on the small couch together and cuddling. I guess they got together at some point...I was probably asleep.

Mom apparated in and looked at all of us, "Good, you all are up and ready. Lyra is having a welcome ball this Saturday. To formally introduce her into the Wizarding World as her true self. Astoria, Pansy, I need you to go dress shopping with her."

The two girls both nodded and the three of us got up. We apparated out and soon we were in Hogsmeade.

We walked around for hours and the two of them made me try on hundreds of dresses. They found dresses for them, of course, but they were having trouble finding something that was perfect for me.

"Lyra what is your favorite color?" Astoria asked.

"It's a tone of Navy or Sapphire blue. Why?" I asked.

Pansy quickly looked through racks and racks filled with dresses and eventually grabbed one and brought it over to me.

"Is this the color?" she asked.

It absolutely was, "Yep!"

She threw the dress at me and the two of them threw me into the changing room. I quickly changed into the dress and smiled when I saw myself in the mirror.

The dress was navy blue and it was floor length. It had off the shoulder sleeves and silver crystals were scattered on the sleeves. It is very flowy and there is a lace layer over the normal fabric that makes it seem lighter.

I walked out of the dressing room with a huge smile on my face and I looked at the other two. They squealed and it reminded me so much of Ginny.

Oh my god, Ginny!

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