Chapter 28

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It's a while later and a Friday morning. There was a quidditch game in two hours, so no one was paying attention in class. Not even me.

It was Gryffindor against Slytherin. Everyone was betting on teams and players but then there were the ones planning parties. McGonagall told me not to worry about the parties though, for they will happen anyway and there will be no point.

"Alright class dismissed." the professor said finally giving in. We all celebrated and rushed out of the classroom and back to our common rooms. 

I grabbed my bag and filled it with different Slytherin supplies. Once I was done, I headed into Ginny's room to see her almost apparate to the pitch.

"Wait!" I exclaimed.

She stopped and looked at me, "What's up Ly?"

She was in her full gear. Quidditch robes, gloves, and even her broom right by her side.

"Good luck," I said with a smile.

I was going to cheer on Slytherin. But I will be cheering on for Ginny in my head. Although I want Ginny to win, I don't want Weasel or Potter too. They didn't support me after my life-changing moment, instead, Ronald snapped on me and Harry just left.

She smiled at me, "Thanks Lyra. But your fellow Slytherins are going to need help. Harry just got off the bench, he's playing."

I froze, "What?"

Harry had gotten injured in the last match and he had caused a few explosions in different classes. He was suspended from playing and he was too injured to play. But now he can.


What Lyra? We're finishing up our warm-up.

Harry is playing today. Ginny is a chaser.

You're kidding!  Potter's going to be out for blood!

I know, so be careful. Tell everyone to be.

I will Twinnie.

Good luck.

"Lyra?" Ginny asked snapping me out of my conversation.

"Sorry. I was talking to Blaise."

"Clearly. Anyways I got to go."

I nodded and gave her a quick hug before she apparated away.


The match has been going on for hours and the score was tied. Harry and Draco were flying in every direction at such a high speed that they looked like green and red blobs.

"C' mon Draco..." I mumbled to myself.

They flew for almost half an hour more when Draco quickly stopped and went the other direction. I looked towards where he was heading and laughed to myself.

Harry didn't actually look for the snitch. He was just following Draco hoping that he was leading him. 

Soon enough, Draco caught the snitch and got us the winning hundred and fifty points of the match.

Although the crowd was loud, and Neville, Luna, and Astoria were all every louder, I was the loudest one cheering. My twin and my soulmate, as well as two of my other best friends, just won their match. Plus, they are in my house. I looked over at Ginny and smiled at her and she smiled back but she still had a slight pout. I mean she did lose, if Harry was still on the bench thy would've had a better chance.

When I wasn't paying attention Draco had flown in front of me and jumped off his broom. He looked behind his shoulder towards the huge screens that McGonagall had put in and soon enough he was kissing me with such passion I almost fell backward.

I heard cheers all around me but when we came apart, my smile quickly faded.

Ronald was floating in the air on his broom staring at us. He was redder than his hair and was glaring daggers at the two of us.

Blaise, Weasel.

My twin looked behind him and saw Ronald floating right behind him. I could feel his energy change from happy to bloody hell awful. He flew over to him and I saw them arguing. And then all of a sudden Blaise was falling.

"Blaise!" I exclaimed before getting my wand out and hopping onto Draco's broom. I flew onto the pitch and pointed my wand at him.


Blaise immediatly stopped falling and was floating in the air. I flew down to him and I got him onto the broom and I flew back up to the stands. I had the others take him off of the broom and then flew over to Ronald.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM RONALD?!" I yelled not caring about who saw.



He growled and speed towards me. I growled and I flew straight up. Ronald flew over to the other side of the pitch. I looked back at the stands and I saw Draco staring at me. I nodded my head towards Ginny's broom which was floating beside her and he nodded. He climbed on and flew towards me. 

"Go down to the ground." I said before speeding over to Ronald.

He growled at me and sped towards me again. I quickly turned around and flew as fast as possible above Draco. I flew up some and I got my wand out. I turned towards Ronald and right before he crashed into me I performed one of my favorite spells.

"Petrificus totalus!"

Ronald froze and he fell off of his broom. I flew down with him with my wand out but as I planned Draco caught him.

"Good job, Babe. Now let's get him to McGonagall." I said as I nodded towards the stands.

He nodded and followed me with Ronald dangling over the broom.

When we landed I got off the broom as quick as possible and sat down. I can't believe I just did that. I flew on a broom! I did more than I ever had in my lifetime in less than ten minutes! Merlin, I'm going insane.

"Are you alright, Ms. Zabini?" McGonagall asked.

I quickly nodded and took a deep breath, "Yes professor. Just a little too much at one time."

She nodded and headed over to Draco and Weasel.

The others came over to me and Ginny was so confused about how she was feeling which made it hilarious.

"You just sent my brother down to his death. Sure, Draco caught him, and you would've also caught him if he hadn't. And he deserved it. But that's my brother, Lyra!" Gin exclaimed.

"Well he tried to send my twin brother to his death so I think we're equal." I said with a smirk.

She shook her head with a smile and sat down next to me.

Did you get him?

Nice to know you're up, Twinnie.

Yeah. Anyways, did you get him?

Yep. He won't be bothering us for a while.

Blaise started laughing out loud and I just smirked and laid my head against my twin's knees since he was right behind me.

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