Chapter 11

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When we walked into the Great Hall we were amazed.

The whole room was decorated brilliantly. In the back, there was a table covered in snacks. But what amazed us the most was the charm.

When you come in a charm magically changes you into a brand new outfit. I looked over the four of us and smiled at how we looked.

Ginny was changed into a gorgeous long, pale pink dress. It was in two pieces, the top was covered in silver crystals, and the bottom had a matching crystal band with flowy, pink fabric going all the way down to her ankles. She had matching heels on and her hair had been curled.

She had a smokey eye done with pinks, browns, and a shimmery white. She had a light pink colored lipstick on aswell.

Blaise had on a black suit with a pink tie.

Draco was wearing a black suit with an emerald green tie.

I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing a long, emerald green dress with off the shoulder sleeves. It was tighter around my torso but below that, it was night and flowy. I guessed I had matching heels on and my hair had been curled as well.

I looked at my phone camera and my makeup was a lot more natural. It was a smokey eye with main browns and silver in my inner corner. I had on a light pink lipstick.

"You guys are matching!" Ginny exclaimed.

I looked at my dress and Draco and realized she was right, my dress matched Draco's tie. I rolled my eyes and headed over to Pansy, Astoria, and Theo.

I talked with them for a little while and then I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I turned around and saw Draco standing there with his signature smirk on his face.

"What's up, Draco?" I asked.

"Wanna dance?" he asked.

I looked at him curiously and listened to the song that is on. It's the song that played at my ball that we did the slow dance to at the very beginning.

I smiled, "Sure."

He held out his hand and I took it. He leads me through the dance floor and we danced together. 

"I have something I have to tell you..." he whispered.

I smiled, "What is it, Malfoy?"

"I like you..."

I smile even more, "Well, believe it or not, Mr. Malfoy. I like you too."

He laughs a little bit, "Really? The former Gryffindor princess likes the Slytherin prince?"

I laugh, "Why not? You did save me on that bloody diving board and with all the creeps at my ball. How could I not like you?"

He smiles, "Lyra Corona Zabini. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I smile and give him a small kiss, "Yes."

He smiles and kisses me one more time. We dance until the song ends and we then head back over to our friends, hand in hand.

Ginny is the first to see us as we walk over and she laughs, "Finally!"

I laugh a little, "Real mature, Gin."

She laughs and elbows my twin in the stomach. He says ow and looks over at us.

"Good job, mate. But I will kill you if you hurt her," he said with a smile.

He was followed with multiple "So will I's" and it was great. 

We all talked, laughed, danced, and had fun all night. 

So at the end of the night, we were pretty sad when the charm came off as we left the Great Hall. We were changed back into the original clothes that we had been wearing before we came. We said bye to Astoria, Theo, and Pansy there and then headed back to our common room.

Once we got back to our common room I said goodnight to the other three and headed up to my room. I took a shower and then headed into my closet. In the center of it was a mannequin with the dress I was wearing on it. I smiled and grabbed some shorts and a shirt and changed before leaving my closet.

I fell in bed and listened to some music. I read part of the book I got from the library and then fell asleep.


It's a few weeks later and a Saturday morning. I am woken up by someone barging into my room and picking me up. I see Draco holding me in his arms and I start slapping him.


"Quiet Lyra! You'll see!" he says back.

I just groan and let him take me where ever he's taking me. As we go through the halls I heard someone behind us so I turn my head and see Ginny in the same situation as me.


"NO!" he yelled back.

I roll my eyes and turn back around, "Alright Draco are we going to be where ever we are going soon?"


Eventually, we end up outside and he sits me down on a blanket. I look around and realize it's a breakfast picnic in basically a blanket and pillow tent that is being held up by magic. 

Draco sits down next to me and Blaise and Ginny eventually barge in.

"So ran us all the way out here for a picnic? I could be doing homework!" I exclaimed.

Draco rolled his eyes and threw a grape in my mouth, "God Lyra just forget about homework for an hour. After that, we can stay in the library for however long you want." Draco said before grabbing a green apple and taking a bite.

I sighed and grabbed another grape, "Fine."

Draco smiled, kissed me, and continued to eat the apple.

We all sat there and talked while we ate the actually good food that the boys made for us. I was enjoying a biscuit when I heard someone running and panting outside of the tent. I get up to see what is going on but instead, some fourth-year runs into the tent and in the very back.

"Please, tell them I'm not here!" she exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath.

I look at her confused but moved so she wouldn't be able to be seen. Soon enough another girl who seemed to be in her fourth year put her head in.

"Where is she?!"

"Who?" I asked.

She growled, "Never mind." and ran off.

I moved and turned towards the girl, "Alright, what's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you Acacia. Mind telling me who that was?" 

"The thing is I don't know. The only thing I know is that I was partnered up with her boyfriend, crush, whatever he was and she got really mad! Thanks for hiding me!"

I smiled, "No problem."

I talked to her for a little while longer and had Blaise and Draco make sure the other girl was gone. Once the coast was completely clear, I sent her off back to the castle.

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