Chapter 7

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The slow dance has ended so I am just sitting down for a second to calm my nerves. I saw Luna and Neville fighting through the crowd and eventually, they made it to me.

"I can't believe it's you, Hermione! I mean Lyra!" Neville exclaimed.

I smiled, "I can still hardly believe it. How have you guys been?" I asked.

"We've been good," Luna replied with a smiled.

We all talked for a while but eventually, Mom came over and had me go and meet people.

I met so many people that I can't even name any of them. I remember dancing with some men but they all were handsy and I was usually saved by Draco or Blaise.

"Hello, sir may I dance with my sister please?"

"Good evening, may I have a dance please?'

Whenever they came in I always sighed a sigh of relief. And thanked them right away.

I saw the Weasley's come in eventually and I went over to them. They were all happy for me, except for Ron, who was of course not even there.

"You look great, Lyra," Molly said.

"Thank you, Molly," I replied.

I talked to all of my friends and they were all happy for me. I eventually felt exhausted and I went to find Ginny.

I looked everywhere but as I walked towards a wall that seemed to be almost all windows, an arm pulled me behind a curtain and covered my mouth.

"Quiet Lyra and look!" I heard them exclaim.

I looked to where another hand was pointing and I saw Ginny kissing Blaise. 

I made sure to use the twin telepathy and I looked at who pulled me. It was Draco.

"Jesus Draco. You can't do that and expect me not to freak out. Now I'm exhausted so I'm heading to bed. Can you tell Ginny?" I asked.

He smirked, "As you wish, your highness."

I rolled my eyes and slapped him in the stomach. He chuckled and I headed up to my room.

I changed out of my dress and into some shorts and a shirt. I washed my face and took all of my jewelry and my hair clip out and put it on the jewelry holder that I had in my closet.

I left my closet and fell in bed.


It's the next morning and I have just woken up. I brushed my hair and teeth and changed into a white crop top, some skinny jeans, and a light jacket thing over it. I put on some simple makeup and then place a few rings on my fingers before heading out of my room and down to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I was met with a groggy Malfoy.

"Oh please tell me you aren't about to fall asleep in your food," I said with a laugh.

"You left your ball early. People were asking questions. I was running around everywhere answering them. So I'm sorry if I'm tired." he replied.

"You didn't have to do that..."

"Well, I did. You're welcome," he said before getting up from a stool and heading out of the kitchen.

"Thanks..." I whisper before getting some food and starting to eat.

Alright, Twinnie you have to control your feelings. Good lord Mom didn't tell me about this part...

What do you mean, Blaise?

I can feel the strong feelings you are feeling. So all of your confusion about whether or not you like him, which you do, it's keeping me from sleeping in. You know, as normal people do!

God Blaise don't yell in my head!

I could tell he cringed and he stopped talking to me. I sighed and realized during that conversation I had finished all of my food. I put my dishes in the sink and then headed to the hangout room.

I climbed down the ladder and turned on the lights. I headed over to one of the couches but I soon realized I wasn't the only one in here.

Blaise and Ginny were lying on the couch cuddling. And it was adorable.

I got out my phone and got some pictures before leaving the room and going back up the ladder. As I closed the trap door I heard my bedroom door open and I saw Draco walk in.

"What's up, Draco?" I asked.

"I was just about to go down to the hangout room to watch a movie," he replied.

I pulled up one of the pictures of my twin and Ginny and tossed him my phone. He caught it, looked at the picture, and laughed.

"How long has he liked her?" I asked.

"Not sure. That's the one thing Blaise is good at keeping a secret at. I have never known who he likes." he replied.

I nodded and sat down on my bed, "I'm about to scream in my twins head. So if you want to go down and see him jump up and record it, that would be great."

He smirked and took his phone down the ladder. I sighed and when I got a text from him saying he was ready, I gave it my all.



I could hear yelling and laughing downstairs and I decided to climb down the ladder.

I saw Blaise and Ginny both chasing Draco and Draco had a huge smirk on his face. He tossed me his phone and I saved the video and sent it to myself.

"LYRA CORONA ZABINI!" Blaise yelled.

"Yes?" I said with an innocent smile.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" he ran towards me but I just took out my wand and stunned him.


He fell to the floor and held his side, "Ugh...Sorry."

I smirked, "Better be."

I helped him up and then looked over at Ginny, "You were going to tell me today right?"

She nodded and I smiled, "Good. Now you two go get changed at least, you both are sweaty messes for chasing Draco."

They both groaned and climbed up the ladder. I looked back over at Draco and the two of us started laughing hysterically once they were out of hearing range.

"We really shouldn't have done that to them but it was great," I said with a smile.

"That's what makes it so great!" Draco exclaimed as he got up and helped me up as well.

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