Chapter 18

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"This will be fun," I said with a smile.

Everyone agreed and once we were all completely ready we headed downstairs and had breakfast. Once we were done, we headed to the malls to get last minutes gifts, and some things for ourselves.

I had everything for Ginny, Blaise, and Draco. But I only have small things from the Magic Kingdom for Astoria, Theo, and Pansy.

"Draco could you help me with gifts?" I asked into the phone.

I heard a laugh on the other end, "Sure, Ly. Meet me in the food court."

I said ok and then hung up. I walked into the food court and met up with Draco before heading into a store. Within fifteen minutes I had a gift for Theo, rather than the two hours I would take if I didn't have help. It took us about an hour for the girls but we were able to get gifts that we thought were best.

Draco had to go and help someone else so I just walked around and bought a few things for me. When it was time, I met up with the others in the food court. I got a sub from Subway as well as a large drink, a chocolate chip cookie, and chips. The lobby breakfast wasn't enough, don't judge me.

Anyways, when we were done we headed to a photo booth and we got some picture strips in there. I was surprised we were able to all fit but we were and the photos were hilarious. Every single photo had someone glaring at another person.

"Alright guys, let's get back to the hotel," Blaise said as we fell out of the photo booth. And I'm not lying about the fall part, Theo and Blaise both fell out of it.

We all headed out with our bags and drove back to the hotel. When we got back I saw that the board had something extra written on it.

Good afternoon! We hope you have had a good time so far. When you go back into your rooms you will see your swimsuit and fancy outfit laid out. Once you are done putting away your bags, change into your swimsuits and go have fun in the pool downstairs. But put alarms on your phones that will make it so you have enough time to get ready. The reservation is at six-thirty sharp, if you are late you will have to find somewhere else to eat.

I got out my phone and set an alarm to four. I told Ginny to stay out of the room and I ran in. I took my things out of the bag and then wrapped everything that belonged to everyone else. I put everything in my closet and then called Ginny in. She sent me into the bathroom to change while she wrapped and hid things so I grabbed my swimsuit and phone and headed into the bathroom.

I changed into my green bikini and just listened to music while I waited. It wasn't that long since Ginny is way faster at doing things like this and she called me back out within thirty minutes. She had changed into her bikini as well so we each grabbed a towel and wrapped it around ourselves before heading out to meet the others.

We all ran down to the indoor pool and when we got in we threw our towels on some chairs and jumped in. It felt great! We messed around and swam for a long time but at one point we ended up talking about the soulmate thing.

"So when do you guys think you're going to get married?" Pansy asked.

Everyone else had already answered so it was Draco and I's turn.

"I honestly have no clue. Draco might, but I certainly don't." I said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, me neither," Draco replied with the same slight laugh.

"Well, we have a little while. Of course, we need to have a kid within a few years but that's a few years. How about you Pansy? Have you and Manuel decided when?" Ginny asked.

"Actually I talked to McGonagall and she decided that I don't have to marry. I'm going to adopt a kid instead," she replied with a slightly nervous tone.

"Really? Well, what about Manuel?" I asked.

"There are plenty of people who aren't happy with their soulmate. Plus, he could marry someone older or younger than him. I didn't even feel like the potion was right, anyway." she replied.

"Well as long as you're happy, Pansy that's all that matters," I said with a grin.

Everyone agreed and soon enough my phone went off, "C' mon let's go get ready."



I burst out of my bedroom with my bag and phone and we all ran out of the door. We drove to the restaurant and we made it with a minute to spare. We were taken to our seats and I was able to relax.

"What took you so long, Lyra?!" Theo exclaimed.

"Ginny took too long! I was going as fast as I could but I kept losing things." I replied as I looked over the menu.

We all talked and had a nice meal. We talked so much that I was surprised we didn't run out of things to talk about. But I guess that shows how much we are really meant to know each other.

We are at the restaurant for over an hour. But when we are done, the waiter recommends us to walk around the area for a little while. We thanked him for the recommendation and then headed out.

We decided to walk around and I am so glad he told us to do this. Lights were everywhere and everything looked amazing! We walked around for a good hour before finally going back to the cars and back to the hotel.

When we got back we saw a huge tree in the middle of the room. I laughed and brought out all of the gifts I got people. I put a spell on them though, so they can't be opened until I remove the spell.

I said goodnight to everyone and headed back into my room. I changed into a shirt and some shorts and then quickly fell asleep.

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