Chapter 10

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It's the next Monday and I am getting ready. I change into my robes and I grab my bag which has everything in it. Hogwarts has finally allowed us to carry our things in bags and it's so much easier.

I head downstairs and I meet the others by the door.

"Who's on patrol tonight?" Ginny asked.

"The Ravenclaw prefects," I replied as we walked out of our common room and through the castle walls.

"Finally!" Draco exclaimed.

I looked over at him and he immediately changed his expression.

"What was that, Malfoy?" I asked.

"I mean, It's only been the Slytherin prefects, us, or the Gryffindor prefects so far. Weasel and Brown do everything in their power to make Slytherin lose house points." Draco replied.

I sighed, "And I'm sorry about that. I'll make sure Ronald and Lavender don't have patrol as often."

"It's fine, Lyra. Just have them have a patrol on like Tuesday nights. Those are the calmest so they will have the least amount of opportunities to remove points." Ginny suggested.

"I'll think about it. Thanks, Gin."

She smiled and nodded.

We eventually got to the Great Hall and we went to sit down and eat. As we were eating though, McGonagall made an announcement.

"This Friday there will be two balls. One from six to eight for first through fifth years. And one from nine to eleven for sixth through eighth years. There will be no Hogsmeade trip."

"What?! I didn't plan any of this! Oh my god, how am I going to prepare everything by this Friday!?" I exclaimed trying to calm my nerves and my mind.

"Relax, Ms. Zabini. I am planning the whole thing." McGonagall said as she came over to me.

"But, professor. I'm the Head Girl. Aren't I supposed to plan all events?" I asked.

"Yes, but this is a special one. So I will be planning the whole event. You just need to arrive." she said with a small smile.

I took a deep breath and nodded. She smiled at me and then went back up to the professor's table.

"C' mon we have potions in ten minutes. Slughorn has already headed to his room." Ginny said before dragging me from my seat and lead us to the classroom.

We walked in and sat down. I sat next to Ginny with Blaise and Draco right in front of us. Over the next few minutes, the classroom filled up with people. Slughorn soon started the class and smiled at all of us.

"Today we will be getting into groups. Look for your name on the board and then move with your partner."

He flipped the chalkboard and we were able to see the partners. 

Ron was with Lavender (barf).

Harry was with Pansy (She'll kill him).

Theo was with Astoria.

Blaise was with Ginny.

And Draco was with me.

Blaise and I switched places and once all of the groups were together Slughorn started talking again.

"Now who knows what amorentia is?" I quickly rose my hand. "Ms. Zabini?"

"Amorentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. Which causes it to also have its dangers. The potion smells different to every person, depending on what attracts them." I said.

"Perfect. Ten points to Slytherin. Now, you will make a batch of amorentia with your partner and then smell it. You will write a paper based on what the potion is, and then you will write what you and your partner each smelled. You should smell three things each."

A piece of parchment appeared on our desk and soon enough we were starting the potion. It was quite simple considering we already did this a few years ago. It was so easy for us, that Draco and I were the first ones done.

"Well done, Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Zabini. You may start your paper now."

I took a sniff of the potion and thought about it for a second, "I smell new parchment, sour apples, and...strong cologne."

Draco quickly wrote it down and smelt the potion.

"I smell peppermint, strawberries, and old books."

I wrote the sents on the same piece of parchment that Draco wrote on and I started my paper.

By the end of the period, I was done with the paper and handed it to Slughorn. I walked out with Ginny right beside me and we headed to our next class.


It's Friday and we are in the last period. So we are in Defense Against the Dark Arts. We headed to the classroom and sat down in our seats.

We just took a test to see what we all remembered which was boring but whatever. I was the first to finish and the professor said I could leave early since I finished. I thanked him and accioed my bag over to me. I caught my bag and I left the classroom.

I walked around the halls for a little while but eventually just went to the library. And yes I know, I'm always there. Want to know what I have to say about that? Shut up and let me read.

I sat down at a desk with a book I grabbed off of a random shelf and started to read it. It was pretty interesting even if it was fiction. It was about these twelve-year-olds going on a quest to get something for a higher power. 

When I realized I had read the whole book I grabbed the second book of the series and looked at the clock.

I have ten minutes until the ball!

I quickly check out the book and grab my bag before running out. I run through the halls which I know isn't right but I do it anyway. I get to the portrait of the founders and I say the password through breaths.


The painting swings open and I run in. I carry my bag and book up to my room and then run back down to the door.

But of course, I ran into someone.

"Sorry!" I said as I fell onto the ground.

I looked up and saw Draco holding in a laugh.

"Of course I ran into you, Malfoy." 

He laughed and held out a hand, "C' mon let me help you up."

I took his hand and he pulled me up. The four of us headed out of the common room and we headed down to the Great Hall.

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