Chapter 8

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It's later that day and the four of us are all in the kitchen eating some random food for lunch when an owl flies in and drops four letters.

We each take our respected letter and open them. I stroke the owl's feathers and read my letter.

"Dear Lyra Zabini,

I am writing to inform you that you are invited to restart your seventh year as an eighth-year student. I would also like to inform you that you have been offered the job of Head Girl.

Please write back as soon as possible to inform me if you accept the position or not.

Minerva McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

I accioed some parchment and a quill and wrote back as quickly as possible.

"Dear, Professor McGonagall,

I gratefully accept the offer of going back to Hogwarts as the eighth year as well as the position of Head Girl.

Lyra Corona Zabini"

I attach the letter to the owl's leg and look at the others, "I got Head Girl!"

Ginny smiled, "Good for you, Lyra! I got Assitant Head Girl."

"And I'm Assistant Head Boy," Blaise added.

Draco attached his letter to the owl's leg and sent it out, "I'm Head Boy."

We all congratulated each other and then headed into the living room to just hang out. We all talked for hours and we sent owls to our parents and other friends about our positions in Hogwarts.

Over the next few weeks, we get closer and closer. All of us! Pansy, Theo, Astoria, Blaise, Ginny, Draco, and I all get closer than I ever got with Harry or Ron. 

Since Hogwarts is starting in a week we are all apparating to Diagon Alley to get supplies.

We all got quills, ink, parchment, robes, cauldrons, dragon gloves, textbooks, and much, much more.

 "God, this is the last time we are ever doing this," Malfoy says as he takes the bag of textbooks from me.

"Draco I can carry my textbooks," I said as I reached for the bag.

He just held it away from me and rolled his eyes, "Lyra I'm carrying your textbooks, and you can't stop me."

I just groaned and continued to walk to the next store.


It's a week later and we have all apparated to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. We all say goodbye to our parents and walk into the Hogwarts Express. Blaise and I walk through the train and eventually find our friends in a compartment.

"Hey, Lyra!" Ginny exclaimed before jumping up and hugging me.

"Hey, Gin."

When we came apart Blaise had a small pout on his face and Ginny giggled. I rolled my eyes and sat down while the two of them had their little reunion.

"How do you deal with them, Lyra?" Pansy asked as she looked at the two of them in annoyance.

"Well since Blaise stole my hangout room, I go to the library and hide there," I replied.

Draco smirked, "Well, of course, you go to the library. You're the know-it-all of the school."

"Don't forget Malfoy you are right behind her in all classes," Theo said.

"Wait you are?" I asked.

He nods, "Ever since the first year."

"Wow. I didn't know that." I said and I could feel my eyebrows scrunch up a little bit.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just smart I guess. But that explains why we are Head Boy and Girl."

I nodded and leaned my head against the window and fell asleep.


I was woken up by the sound of a major conversation, and it sounded like it was about me. So, of course, I didn't open my eyes and I pretended like I was still asleep.

"So Lyra will be resorted right?" Astoria asked.

"Yeah. Hopefully, she'll be in Slytherin." Malfoy replied.

"Aw, little Draco wants his crush in the same house as him. Even if they are sharing dorms." Pansy said with a laugh.

"Shut it, Parkinson. I don't have a crush on Lyra."

Pansy growled and Blaise laughed, "Keep telling yourself that, mate."

"What makes you think I like her?!" Draco exclaimed.

"Well let's see. You helped her on the high dive, you stared at her when you saw her in her ball gown, you escorted her into her ball, you came in to help her when creeps were getting handsy at the said ball, you made sure said creeps didn't bother her when she headed to bed, you and her are always messing around, must I continue?" Ginny replied.

Draco had gone silent. And I wished I still was asleep. 

Draco sighed, "Alright, I do like her...But she doesn't like me so what's the bloody point?"

Ginny giggled a little bit, "You don't think she likes you?"

I stiffened, I swear to Merlin...

"What do you mean, Weaselette?"

"She was so grateful about the high dive, she was so happy about the ball, she smiles a little more when she sees you, good lord you both suck at realizing you like someone," she replied. I knew she had rolled her eyes.

They changed the topic and after around twenty minutes I pretended to just wake up and I opened my eyes.

"How far are we from Hogwarts?" I asked.

"We're about ten minutes away. We should change into our robes." Malfoy replied.

I nodded and got up and left the compartment. I got my robes from my trunk and then found an empty compartment to change in.

Once twelve minutes have passed, the train stopped and we were at Hogwarts. I found the others and we all grabbed our things and headed out of the train. We walked towards the carriages and we saw what has been pulling us all these years.

"Theastrals," Luna said from behind me.

"What are they?" I asked. They looked like zombie horses believe it or not.

"They are a magical creature that can only be seen when you have witnessed death," she replied.

"So that's why Harry could see them in the fourth year..." Ginny whispered.

Luna nodded and headed off to find Neville.

All of us climbed into one of the carriages and we were taken to Hogwarts. 

We all walked to the Mess Hall and went to our separate tables. I was happy to at least have Ginny. Ron and Harry were sitting at the other side of the table with Lavender. I realized Ron was probably dating her again, yet I didn't feel anything.

I must say I'm not surprised Weasel is back with Brown.


Calm down, Twinnie. I was just saying that. Besides, I can feel that you don't care.

I groaned and blocked him out of my mind. I swear he can be annoying with that sometimes.

McGonagall walked in with about a hundred first years and I smiled at all of them. McGonagall stood at the podium and made an announcement.

"Before our first year sorting, we will have one student resorted. Lyra Corona Zabini. Please come up the stage."

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