Chapter 9

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I stood up from my seat and I walked up the stage. I sat on the wooden stool I sat on so many years ago and listened to the brown hat that was placed on my head.

"Finally, no charm or spell to keep you from your true house. But before I decide, where do you think you belong?" the hat whispered to me.

I thought about it for a moment, "I don't believe I belong in Hufflepuff, while they are good at many things I have never felt like I could belong there. Ravenclaw would be where most people would guess where I belong, but I'm not just my brains. Gryffindor has been my house for so man years, but I never felt like I belong there. But Slytherin? My family has all came from the house of the serpent. I am always determined to complete a task, which shows ambition. And although I may not be cunning or sly, I believe I belong in Slytherin, with my twin brother."

The hat hums and then inhales, "SLYTHERIN!"

Most of the room cheers, some of the students are disappointed that I wasn't in their house or that I was leaving Gryffindor. But Ginny had the biggest smile along with Blaise and the rest of my friends. They knew I didn't belong in any other house.

I stood up and walked off the stage. I headed to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Blaise, who gave me a huge hug. I looked down at my robes and saw a Slytherin patch magically appear on it. Along with my head girl badge. 

The first year sorting started and soon did the feast. Gryffindor got the most students. But Slytherin also got many. 

In the middle of the fest, McGonagall stood up and made an announcement.

"As you all know there was a war last school year. Before that, we were divided by our houses. But during the war, all houses came together and fought. Now, I wish to make that continue. So please don't be alarmed."

The tables started to move and when they were done moving they were in a giant square with tables also in the center of it.

"Combine with other houses. And work together."

It started with siblings moving around. Ginny came running over and she smiled as she sat down next to me. As more time passed, more people moved.

McGonagall had a huge smile on her face and looked over the room before making her way back to the professor's table.

At the end of the feast, McGonagall dismissed everyone except for me, Blaise, Ginny, and Draco. We headed towards her while everyone else left.

"Your dorms are on the new eighth floor. You all share one common room and have your dorm rooms so you no longer have to share a room with someone," she said while walking with us to our dorms.

We eventually came to a portrait of the four founders and Gryffindor asked for the password.

"House unity."

He smiled and the painting swung open. We all walked in and it was amazing!

The common room was painted a light grey color and there were accents of emerald green and red. There were two staircases on either side of the room and they each lead up to the girl dorms and the boy dorms.

"Thank you, Headmistress," I said.

She nodded and left, leaving smiles on our faces.

We all hung out for a while and at one point I and Blaise were both just watching a movie together.

I know you were awake.

What do you mean?

On the Hogwarts Express, you were awake during the conversation.

Even if I was how would you know?

Because I can feel your feelings. And they were going all over the place.

Alright, I was awake! You guys were loud!

Please don't yell in my mind.

So what? You're going to ask me if I'm going to tell Draco I heard everything? If I do like him? If I'm going to ask him out? Sorry to disappoint, Twinnie, but that's not happening.

Well, I already know you like him. Plus he'll probably ask you out. And he was sitting right next to you. I think he could tell that you were awake. You were making weird facial expressions the whole time.

I growled and slapped him in the stomach. He yelped and coughed.

"God, Ly. You have to stop doing that!" he exclaimed.

"You have to stop putting your nose in my love life!" I exclaimed back.

He just rolled his eyes and I got up from the couch we were sitting on. I ran up the stairs and into my room. 

I changed out of my robes and into a black tank top and black shorts. I fell onto my bed and I used all of my ability to make sure Blaise couldn't get in my head.  I knew they were all right. I know I like Malfoy even if I don't want to admit it. But that doesn't mean we'll end up together.

I got off of my bed and listened to some music and I unpacked for a couple of hours. I put everything in a good spot and then sat back in bed.

I listened to music and read some stories on my phone. I liked the book called He's an Angel, She's a Demon. There was even a sequel but I haven't gotten to it yet.

I finished a chapter and then turned off my music and phone, and went to bed. Not knowing what was going to happen the next day, week, month, or year. I just knew that I wouldn't have to deal with Voldy. And knowing just that was enough for me to happily fall asleep, excited for the school year. 

I knew I had a lot to do considering I was head girl. But I had Ginny, Blaise, and Draco. Plus, I could always ask others for help also. 

Anyways, once I calmed my brain down I was able to happily fall asleep.

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