Chapter 25

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It's the next morning and we have all woken up pretty late. The cruise lasted until ten and after that, we walked around the Panama City Beach area for a few more hours. And who knows how late it actually was when we all fell asleep.

Anyways, I walk out of the bedroom after getting ready and I look at the board.

Good morning! Today you will be able to shop for as long as you want! You will be going to Pier Park and staying as long as you'd like. Today is for you to relax and not be outside as much since you will be going into stores. We suggest you also buy another suitcase or two. We hope you have fun!

"Another shopping spree!" Astoria exclaimed from behind me.

I turned around and laughed at her slightly, "I guess so."

She smiles and then heads back to her room to wake up Theo.

I head out of the kitchen and I sit down on the couch and I read a book while I wait. After about an hour, everyone is awake and ready to go.

We drove around the Pier Park area for hours and stopped in almost all of the stores. We bought quite a few things altogether but one person didn't get a ton of stuff.

We had lunch and dinner there and we walked around the area before driving to the SkyWheel.

We all went onto the Ferris wheel and it was absolutely beautiful to look at the whole area from so high. There were plenty of lights and it looked amazing.

We actually went on the attraction a few times before finally heading back to the hotel.


It's two days later and for both, we have been at the beach the whole time as well. 

When we get back to the hotel room after about three hours, we change and get into relaxing clothes before a small orb of light gets my attention from the kitchen. It wasn't a Patronus and it disappeared once I got to the board it disappeared. I looked over at the board and read it.

Good afternoon! You will be leaving tonight and driving to the address below. We apologize for not telling you sooner!

"Hey, guys we're leaving!" I yelled throughout the hotel room.

I heard mixed responses but I just heading into my room and packed as quickly as possible with the help of a little magic. I packed all of my clothes into one suitcase and all of everything else I started within another. And I finished filling he third suitcase I started with things I have gotten this week. I also had to start filling the fourth one I bought a few days ago.

This week I bought quite a few things. I bought a blue sanded beach in a bottle with the beach name written on it, an airbrush t-shirt with an amazing design, a hooded sweatshirt that has the beach name in front of a sunset, a silver ring in the shape of a shell, a necklace with a shell threaded onto it, a pearl necklace that was given to every woman on the cruise, a charm bracelet with different shell designs and some different sea life, silver shell earrings, a blue water bottle with two white dolphins on the front, one of those flip flop keychains with a heart on it, and a blue glass dolphin that I got from the cruise as well.

I also had everything I got at Pier Park, but I'm not gonna tell you all of that.

"You got so much, Lyra," Draco said with a laugh as he helped me zip up my suitcases.

"Shut up, I like having mental and physical memories," I replied with a smile.

He just shook his head and finished packing his own bags. I smiled at him and then started taking my bags to the car.

I helped everyone else finish packing and I took out multiple suitcases despite what the others complained.

Once we were all packed I headed down to the lobby with everyone and checked out with Draco before heading out to the cars and driving to our next location. 

When I put it into the GPS it said it was a nine and a half-hour-long drive. I looked at Draco who was sitting next to me and knew he saw the time.

"I really don't feel like driving that long," I said with a groan.

"We can switch every three hours, Lyra," he said as he texted Blaise to stop somewhere every three-hour mark.

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Thanks."

I heard Pansy gag behind me and I just laugh, "Sorry Pansy."

She sighed, "It's alright, I'm just gonna enjoy my sleep."

I laughed and started to drive. The drive was so long and I still had no idea where we were going. Draco and I did switch every three hours so the other could sleep for a little while and once we got to the hotel I sent Pansy in since she got the most sleep and I parked next to Blaise. Well, actually Ginny since she was the one driving at the moment.

We all grabbed our bags and headed up to our hotel room once Pansy came back with the keys. We went up and split up the rooms the same way and headed into the kitchen to look at the board.

Good evening! Since it is so late you won't be doing anything except for going to sleep. Please don't unpack completely, just take things out as you need them, you won't be staying here for very long.

I smiled to myself and then headed out of the kitchen. I said goodnight to the others and headed into my room. I was already changed into a comfortable shirt and shorts so I just plugged in my phone to its charger and then went into the bathroom. 

I washed my face and laid the jewelry I was wearing, other than my engagement ring, onto the bathroom sink and then headed out of the bathroom. I laid down in bed, turned off any alarms I had on, and then soon fell asleep.

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