Chapter 21

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It's a few hours later and we are setting up decorations for the party since we have nothing else to do. When my phone alarm went off telling us it was seven, we all finished what we were doing and headed to our rooms to get ready.

I changed into the glittery pink dress that was laid out for me and I did my makeup. I did it simply so it didn't seem like too much and I put on a silver bangle and some pearl earrings.

I headed out of the bathroom so Ginny could go in to change and I grabbed my purse and my phone. I put some bear necessities in my bag and then headed out of the room when Ginny was done.

When we headed out we saw everyone also ready and doing something before we leave.

"Finally!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Sorry that we took a while, Lyra couldn't decide what to do with her hair," Ginny said with a slight smirk.

"You took a while to do your makeup so be quiet," I replied with a similar smirk.

Our boyfriends rolled their eyes and headed out of the hotel room.


It's one minute before the New Year and the whole hotel is on the roof, well except for kids and babies of course.

"I can't believe all that has happened this year..." I quietly said to myself as I looked out at the city.

"A lot more will happen in future years also you know," Draco replied with a small smile.

I smiled, "I know."

"Thirty seconds!" someone exclaimed. 

Draco swiftly looked over his shoulder and I saw the other boys had aswell. I also saw Pansy messing with something but I couldn't tell what.

"Twenty seconds!"

I felt Draco move beside me so I looked over at him.

And he was on his knee with a giant smile on his face.

And holding a ring.

"Lyra Corona Zabini. Over these past few months, I have fallen in love with you more than I could even imagine. We raised children together and found out we are soulmates. And I have to admit I had started to fall for you long before now, but now I am asking you this. Will you marry me?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes!"

I pulled him up and he put the ring on my finger. I smiled at the ring and then pulled him towards me.

As people were counting down I pulled him in and we kissed right when people exclaimed happy new year.

I smiled and pulled away and I looked at the others. All of them had just gotten engaged. And Pansy? She recorded the whole thing. That's what she was messing within her hands last night. I smiled at Ginny and Astoria and I looked back out at the fireworks.


I just woke up and I memories of last night caused a huge smile to form on my face. I'm engaged to my soulmate. And the heirloom ring on my finger made me even happier.

It was a silver band with a round diamond in the center, with emerald leaves you could say around it. I was absolutely beautiful and Draco had told me it had been in his family for dozens of generations. And every time the same engagement was used by the oldest son.

I sat up in bed and I looked over at Ginny. She was looking at her own ring and she had a bright smile on her face.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to change. Once I was ready I headed out of the bedroom and went into the kitchen to look at the board.

Good morning! Congratulations on the engagements! We are very happy for all of you! Today you will be going to Busch Gardens! We hope you have fun!

"Huh, I've never been there before," I said to myself.

"Really? Well, I guess it will be a first-hand experience for all of us." Draco said behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled and I headed out of the kitchen to just sit on the couch. I crossed my legs and Draco, of course, laid his head in my lap. I laughed a little and messed with his hair while reading.

Once we got to the park we explored and rode tons of rides. We also saw some shows.

We rode Scorpion, Sand Serpent, Carousel Caravan, Phoenix, Falcon's Fury, Kumba, Congo River Rapids, Ubanga-Banga Bumper Cars, Montu, Cobra's Curse, Tigris, Stanley Falls Flume, Serengeti Express, Skyride, Air Grover, Rosita's Djembe Fly-Away, Cheetah Hunt, Iron Gwazi, Gwazi Gliders, Jungle Flyers, and Wild Surge.

We also saw Critters Inn Charge, Rock A Doo Wop, and Turn It Up! The Hottest Show On Ice. We, of course, didn't see Elmo Rocks.


I woke up and walked out to read the board and read it with Ginny.

Good morning! Today is a relaxing day after all of the amusement parks. Of course, there is one or two more after today but the main ones are over. You may be wondering what you'll be doing for the next few days, but we won't tell you. Anyways, you may do anything you'd like. You can explore and there are no reservations or anything else planned. Have fun!

"Nothing planned?" I asked myself.

"I guess not. How about you start looking for some things to do while I look up places to eat. I need to find somewhere good for breakfast." she said as she walked with me out of the kitchen and into the sitting room. 

I nodded and got my phone. I searched up multiple places and eventually found a place called WonderWorks. It's an attraction with over a hundred hands-on exhibits. It looked pretty fun and it says you should take four hours to walk around the whole thing to have the best experience. It sounded good enough for me so I paid for the tickets online and then looked over at Ginny.

"Find anything good?" I asked.

"Yep, just scheduled a reservation for an hour from now," she replied as she got up and headed towards our boyfriends' room.

"What are you doing?" 

She smirked, "Come on and you'll see!"

I shook my head but smiled and walked over with her. She quietly opened the door and the two of us snuck in. Ginny pulled out from her wand and motioned for me to do the same thing. She did the movements of a spell without actually casting it and I then realized what we were doing.

We both held our wands above our respected boy's bed and then cast a spell.


The water fell on both of their heads and they both screeched as they jumped out of bed holding their wands out ready to attack. Gin and I both fell to the ground laughing and looked up to them.

They were both glaring at us and they picked us up and ran out of their room with us in their arms.


"BLAISE ORION ZABINI!" Ginny Screeched.

I looked around to where we were and I felt a bunch of warm air hit me. We were in the pool room. 

Before I knew what was happening, the boys had thrown us into the pool.

When we came up I growled at them and got my wand, "Petrificus Totalus."

They both fell to the ground because of the full-body binding hex and I got out of the pool. I picked up Draco and then apparated back up to the hotel room.

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