Chapter 14

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It's a little over a month after the troll incident and McGonagall has just started class.

"As you all know, your children will not last forever. The day before you leave for winter break, December twenty-first, they will disappear. When you wake up there will be no trace of them. I am telling you this now, so you can be ready."

That whole statement made me tear up. Most people were. Draco put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me and I gave a small smile back. I wiped away the tears and I listened to McGonagall teach for the rest of the period.

At lunch, we went to pick up our kids and we saw them asleep on a couch. I smiled and walked over to them. I kissed them each on the forehead and then picked up Scorp. Draco picked up Jane, and since Caitlin has always adored Ginny, she picked her up while Blaise got Alex.

We said goodbye to Madam Pomfrey and headed to the Great Hall. As we walked to the place the kids woke up and wanted to get down. We let them walk to the Great Hall in front of us and we went to our table.

"McGonagall was depressing this morning..." Astoria said as we sat down with the others.

"No kidding. I mean I know it's going to happen but it is still sad..." I replied.

"What's sad, Mom?" Jane asked. She may look like Draco but she's as curious as me.

"Nothing, sweetie. You don't need to worry about it." I replied with a small smile.

"Ok..." she said before starting to eat again.

I sighed and continued to eat my lunch with my friends and family.


It's one week later and I am writing my nightly journal entry. McGonagall wants us to write about the day with our children every night so we can remember it all.

"Today we woke up at a normal time. And we were still late to Slughorns. Caitlin was in a grumpy mood so that already kept us back, but Alex wanted to make it worse. Once we were able to get them out of the common room we were ok. We took them to daycare and then arrived late. 

"At lunch, Caitlin was still grumpy and since she and Jane were twins, that affected her as well. So both of them were screaming and crying the whole time. I was only able to calm them down when I told them the story of when I sent angry birds towards Ronald. They laughed and were quiet for the rest of the meal. We took them back to daycare and arrived on time for Hagrid's class. 

"Once we picked them up at the end of the day we took them out to take a walk around the Black Lake. They loved running around in the snow and I laughed at the sight of them climbing up a tree and sending dozens of pounds of snow onto Draco. After a while, we took them back to the common room to warm up and then headed to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Dinner was nice and calm for the most part. Scorp threw a small fit because he wanted to have his cupcake and not his vegetables, but then I told him he would be all strong as his dad if he ate the veggies first. And soon enough his plate was empty and he had a cupcake in his hands."

I signed my name as I always do and I wrote the date at the top. I closed my journal and put it back in my nightstand drawer.

I grabbed my phone and started to listen to music when a voice burst into my head.

I'm gonna miss them too.

God, Blaise. Can I have one night without you bringing yourself into my head?!

Sorry, Twinnie, you're stuck with me.

Yeah, I know. I'm gonna miss my nephew.

I'm gonna miss my nieces and my nephew.

We talked for a little while longer but eventually, we said goodnight. And I was able to go to sleep.


It's a week and a half later and my kids are disappearing tomorrow. I cried at the thought when I woke up but I gathered myself and got into my robes. I headed downstairs and I saw my three children with Draco and I smiled at them all.

I headed over to them and picked Scorpious up, "Are you excited for daycare?"

"Yeah!" the three of them exclaimed.

"But I'm even more excited to see Grandma 'Sissa!" Caitlin exclaimed.

I felt my eyes water up, "She's excited to see you..."

"Are you ok momma?" Scorp asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, sweetie I'm fine. Let's get down to breakfast." I said as I wiped the tears from my eys and headed out of the common room.

McGonagall let everyone who had kids miss class today since they were leaving tomorrow. So we all decided to make the most of it.

We all threw on snow gear and we headed outside.

For hours and hours we played in the snow. There were dozens of snow angels, snow men, and snow forts. But what we did the most was have a snowball war.  At first we magically made them but the experience of making them ourselves was so much more fun. Besides, the kids aren't old enough to use magic yet.

I saw the twins running up from behind Blaise and I smiled. They threw dozens of snowballs at his back and when he turned around his face was met with even more. I exploded laughing and I grabbed two snowballs and threw them at the twins.

"Mom!" they exclaimed as they wiped the snow from their chests.

"Yes, girls?" I asked sweetly.

They both giggled and ran towards me gathering snow along the way. I laughed and ran the opposite direction, letting them catch me every so often. They both giggled when ever they hit me so how could I not let them?

We did this for hours and we only stopped when Hagrid came over.

"C' mon everyone! The Christmas feast is soon!"

We all laughed and ran inside with Hagrid watching from behind. As we were running I grabbed the twins and apparated us into the common room so they could change into warm clothes. They laughed since they always loved apparating and ran upstairs to their room to change. The others quickly apparated in themselves and eventually everyone was upstairs changing into warm clothes.

While I was in my room I changed into some blue jeans and a nice white sweater. When I was done I ran back downstairs and saw four kids messing around my the door.

"C' mon you four let's go race your parents to the Great Hall!" I exclaimed before opening the portrait and running out of the common room.

I heard them giggling behind me and when I turned around I saw the four of them speeding their way behind me. I turned back around and ran to our table.

We had an amazing meal, and I was sad it was our last. But I know I will have kids soon enough. I can wait.

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