Chap 4 "Lost"

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Jason's POV

I pulled into Starbucks and walked inside. "Jenna," I smiled as I hugged her.

"Hey, Dad," Jenna stated.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Have you told her?" Jenna asked.

"I can't tell her a week before her wedding," I nodded. "I am not going to push her away, Jenna."

"You've been spending a lot of time with her."

"She's getting married."

"Dad, she's twenty three. She'll be fine without you."

"You guys are seven years apart. I was always there for you when you were growing up. I got a nanny for her."

"But you haven't told her about me."

"I can't just come out and say hey, you have a sister."

"I am not her sister."

"But I am her father, Jenna. I adopted her and raised her. I even gave her my last name."

"Dad, she's not yours."

"You don't have to be blood to be family. I thought your mom and I taught you that."

"I love you, Dad, but I'm at a point in my life where you need to start being around to support me and Mom, or tell us you're going to care for Baylynn instead."

"Give me a week," I sighed. "After the wedding, I am moving her and Cam into my house."

"You just chose her over me."

"That's not it, Jenna."

"Then what is it, Dad?"

"Do you really want Bee to know about you?"

"It's too late for that now. Sixteen years too late."

"I can still have you two meet. It'll just be after the wedding."

"Why after?"

"So she's still happy."

"Okay," Jenna stood up. "After the wedding, we're meeting."

"Alright," I nodded. My phone beeped as I looked at it. "I gotta get going."

"It's her, isn't it?"

"Actually, no," I sighed as I stood up. "Amy needs to see me at the venue."

"Go," Jenna stated. I tried to give her a hug. "Just go."

"Okay," I replied. I got into my car and drove to the venue where Bee is going to have her reception. I walked in and AMy was fixing a centerpiece. "Amy, it looks amazing here."

"I hope so," Amy smiled. "I'm doing everything I can for her."

"You're an amazing godmother to Bee," I smiled. "She's going to love it."

"These are the designs she gave me," Amy looked around. "I'm glad she chose to use fake flowers for decorations."

"Yeah," I nodded as I looked around.

"Hey, what's on your mind, Jason?" Amy asked.

"I never told Bee about Jenna, and Jenna isn't too happy about it," I looked at Amy. We sat down. "She feels like I'm choosing Bee over her."

"Jenna's sixteen, right?"


"She's missing you," Amy nodded. "Just tell her to wait till after the wedding."

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