Chap 6 "Answers"

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Bee's POV

A couple months with the BAU has been amazing. Prentiss managed to get me my own office, even though I didn't want one. I walked into my office and I grabbed the letter that my dad gave me before I left. "I gotta start looking before it's too late," I sighed. I walked to Garcia's tech lab with the letter. "Hey, Garcia."

"What can I do for you my power ranger friend?" Garcia asked.

"You did a background check on me," I looked at her.

"It was gonna be sooner or later," Garcia stated. "I'm not going to tell anybody." I sighed. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, you know, I need you to look up two names for me," I shrugged. "I need an address."

"What are the names?" Garcia asked.

"Henry and Kensey Brader," I replied.

"I got a DC address for you," Garcia replies. She wrote it down on a sticky note and handed it to me. "Why did you need this?"

"Just something I needed done," I smiled. "Thank you." I walked to Prentiss' office. "Hey, Emily?"

"Yeah," Prentiss stated. "We have a case?"

"No, I was wondering if I could take the day or a couple hours," I replied. "I found my biological parents and I was hoping I could get some answers."

"Go," Prentiss nodded. "We can handle the day or a case without you."

"Thank you," I smiled. I left the building and got into my car. I drove to the address that Garcia gave me. I took a deep breath and grabbed the bag from my backseat. I approached the front door. I knocked. "Please be here." The door opened. "Mrs. Kensey Brader?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"I'm Special Agent Baylynn Jebo," I stated. "Is your husband home?"

"Yes," she replied again. "Can I ask what this is about?"

"It's best if I speak with you both," I nodded. She let me in and I sat in their living room. They sat in a couch across from me. "I know this is a little sudden, but I want to ask you about something that happened twenty three years ago."

"We're not following," Henry replied.

"Twenty three years ago, you left your baby on a stranger's doorstep," I stated. "Any particular reason why?"

"We were young," Kensey nodded. "We were sixteen. We figured whoever lived there can give her a better life than we could."

"Did you know who lived at the house we left our baby at?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, you left her at Jason Frank's house," I nodded. "He's apparently became very successful himself while raising your daughter."

"Isn't he that power ranger, Tommy Oliver, that we raised Cylin on?" Kensey asked.

"That's him," I replied.

"There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about her," Henry replied. "Is that why you're here? Because she reached out to you?"

"It's sort of a bad timing with our family," Kensey replied. "I mean, we have kids now. A fourteen year old son and a ten year old daughter." She grabbed a family picture from the table next to her. "It's so weird. You and our daughter, Tashia, look so much alike, almost like sisters."

"Did she reach out to you?" Henry asked.

"Actually, shes reaching out to you," I nodded. "I am your daughter that you left in Jason's doorstep."

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