Chap 15 "Future"

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Bee's POV

"Will, can you watch CJ for a second?" I asked.

"Yeah," Will replied.

"Thanks," I nodded. I quickly made my way to their guest bathroom, grabbing CJ's diaper bag as I passed it. I closed the door and threw up in their toilet. "No, no, no." I got a pregnancy test out of the diaper bag and used it. I stayed int he bathroom time the test gave me an answer. "Great." I put the test into the bag and went to the living room. "Uhm, I gotta go, Will."

"Have you told him?" Will asked.

"What?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You're pregnant," Will stated. I looked at him. "Bee, I've had two kids with JJ. For you to run to the bathroom like that can mean one of two things: 1.) you ate something bad yesterday, or 2) you're pregnant."

"Well, we did have CJ's birthday yesterday," I replied.

"Yeah, but no one else got messed up and we all ate the same thing, so that leaves you being pregnant," Will replied. I sighed as I picked up CJ. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"Yeah, and I have to go tell Neil," I nodded. "I'll see you at the wedding." I left their house and drove to the hospital. I put CJ in her stroller and we went to Neil's office. "Hey."

"Hey," Neil stated as I closed the door. "We gotta talk."

"You don't have to apologize," I replied. "We're still getting married."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Neil," I nodded. "Look, we're going to have our arguments but I still love you." He looked at me. "And I know you still love me."

"I do," Neil stated.

"Our family is about to gain one more little one," I looked at Neil. He was confused. I got a test out of CJ's diaper bag and handed it to him. He looked at the test and looked at me. "I'm pregnant, Neil."

"Are you serious?" Neil asked as he put his hands on my waist. "You're gonna have another baby?"

"Yeah," I smiled. Neil kissed me. "You did this to me."

"But we used protection," Neil replied.

"Apparently it didn't work," I nodded. "But we have a baby on the way."

"It's a blessing."

"It was a bit of a surprise to me."

"This is what we wanted, right? We wanted a child together. This is our chance."

"You're right," I sighed. I sat in the chair. "I'm going to have to tell my team."

"Yeah," Neil nodded. I looked at him. "Look, after our wedding, I have a whole month off just for our honeymoon. It's so we can go to other places on top of Hawaii." I smiled. "Did you find a sitter?"

"Yeah, uhm, Will, JJ's husband, said he'll be more than happy to watch CJ while we're gone."

"Does he know how to take care of kids?"

"He's had two with JJ. He's a stay at home dad while JJ goes to work," I replied. "I'm gonna go and tell the team now, since I have the next three months off."

"Okay, babe," Neil nodded. "I'll see you tonight?"

"There will be dinner waiting for you," I nodded. I pushed CJ's stroller out to the car. I got her in her car seat and put the stroller inside after I collapsed it. I took us to the FBI Academy and I took CJ inside with me to see the team. "Hey guys."

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