Chap 9 "Gone"

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Jason's POV

Jenna and I walked into Cam's room. "Bee?" I asked.

"Hey, Dad," Bee stated as she pressed the nurse button.

"Is something wrong with Cam?" I asked as I put the flowers on his bedside table.

"He's supposed to be awake now," Bee nodded.

"Hey," a doctor walked in. "I seen you page a nurse."

"Dr. Browne, he's not waking up and it's been over an hour," I replied.

"Okay, can you clear the room for me?" Dr. Browne asked.

"Yeah," Bee nodded. Jenna and I followed Bee to a waiting room. "Jenna, I know you lied to the people on TV. I've never gotten a call from the producers."

"I know, because I told the producers I'll call but I never did," Jenna stated.

"Jenna," I replied as I looked at her. "You're grounded and you're going back to Houston tomorrow to be with your mom."

"But Dad," Jenna whined.

"No," I replied. "I'll call the producers and clear this up."

"Thanks, Dad," Bee nodded.

"Come here," I stated. She did and I gave her a hug. "I'm still here for you, Bee. Never forget that."

"Dad, I haven't forgotten," Bee smiled. "My response was immature the night of the wedding."

"Yeah, I know," I replied. "I raised you for quite sometime so I know how you react." Bee nodded. "I'm here for you."

"I know," Bee nodded. A different doctor walked in. "Dr. Lim, is everything okay?"

"Cameron doesn't have a corneal reflex," Dr. Lim stated.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"He's eyes aren't reacting to them touching his eye," Bee sighed.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Cameron's brain dead," Dr. Lim sighed. "We have him on ventilator." Bee started pacing with her right hand on her forehead and her left hand on her hip. "Something went wrong during the surgery, but we did tell you about the risks. I'm sorry, Bee."

"Thank you, Dr. Lim," I nodded. The doctor left. "Bee?"

"Cam agreed to the surgery, Dad," Bee stated. "The last thing he said to the doctors after agreeing to the surgery was I want to spend a lifetime with my wife. How am I supposed to live with that?" I looked at her. "Dad, tell me what am I supposed to do from here?"

"What I'm hearing is that they have him on life support," I replied.

"Dad, I want Cameron back," Bee stated with tears in her eyes. "We were together for five years."

"It's going to take some time to move on," I nodded. "If you decide to take him off life support, we'll pull all the rangers together and remember him as a legacy." She looked at me. "I can make that happen for you."

"Dad, why would you do that for Bee?" Jenna asked.

"Jenna, whether you like it or not, Bee is my daughter and Cameron was my son-in-law," I pointed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to talk to Bee more about this." I sat down with Bee. "Whatever you decide to do, I'll support you a hundred percent."

"Dad, I'm pregnant," Bee looked at me. "I never told Cameron."

"How far along are you?" I asked.

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