Chap 14 "Family"

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Neil's POV

"I think you're about to say I spoil her," I replied as I tied up the last trash bag.

"You do!" Bee nudged me. Her phone dinged and she looked at it. "That's good news."

"What?" I asked.

"We talked about having our wedding next month, on our one year," Bee smiled. "Prentiss cleared me to have three months off."

"Have you been planning a wedding?"

"Kind of. I mean, I already know who we're gonna invite and where it's going to be," Bee looked at me. "I don't know what else we will need." I looked at her. "We agreed to not have the wedding at a church. My dad kinda wasn't okay with that but he understands that we don't really have a lot of time to move from a church to the location of the reception."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Our small wedding is gonna be like CJ's birthday, right?"

"Actually, the guest category in rangers is probably quadrupled for the wedding," Bee looked at me. "I served with all of them and they are family. Especially when my dad raised me in it."

"I guess that's one of the things I have to live with," I sat next to her. "I have to share you with the world sometimes."

"You'll be okay," Bee nodded. Her phone rang and she looked at it. She answered and put it speaker. "Hello?"

"Is this Baylynn Frank?" the male voice asked.

"Yes," Bee replied. "Who's asking?"

"This is Cylin Brader," he replied. "I think that you're my older sister."

"Uhm, yeah, uh, how'd you get my number?" Bee asked.

"I swiped it off my mom's desk," Cylin stated. "I was wondering if I could come and see you."

"Yeah, okay," Bee nodded. "I'll text you my address."

"Bee, it's kinda late," I replied.

"Ten is not late," Bee stated. "I'll see you soon, Cylin." I hung up and sent him the address. "Neil, he's my brother. Whether we grew up together or not, he's fully my bloodline. Same parents, just raised differently." I looked at her. "What?"

"There's something you're not telling me," I nodded.

"You might know his dad," Bee replied. "Dr. Henry Brader?"

"Yeah, he's a surgeon at a different hospital. What about him?"

"That's Cylin's dad," Bee nodded. "That's my biological dad." Bee spent the next fifteen minutes showing me the file she had on Kensey and Henry Brader. The doorbell rang and she opened the door. "Cylin, come in." He did and sat on the couch. "How do you know about me?"

"Who doesn't know about you?" Cylin asked. "You're Baylynn Frank, the red female Megaforce ranger."

"I think she meant how do you know you're related to her?" I asked.

"Who are you?" Cylin asked.

"He's my fiancé," Bee replied. "But Neil's right. How do you know?"

"Mom and Dad talked about you a lot since you visited. They know you have a daughter," Cylin replied. "They know that you're first husband passed away." I looked at him. "My mom has a lot of time on her hands."

"Yeah, but they do know that they daughter is part of the FBI, right?" I asked.

"They do," Cylin nodded.

"Why are you here?" Bee asked.

"I wanted to get to know my sister," Cylin signed. "They've hidden you from me and my sister for as long as we've lived. I figured it was time for us to meet."

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