Chapter 21

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Michael's p.o.v

I woke up to my dad dragging me out of bed. He said cps was at our door and that I better lie to them. I was pissed. How could Luke do this to me? I didn't know what to do. I walked to the front door and was greeted by a woman and a police officer.

Michael Um hi.

Cps Worker: Hello Michael. My name is Alyssa. Could we have a chat?

Michael: I'm just going to get this over with now. Yes he abuses me.

Cps Worker: Ok well.

Daryl: You little shit!

I turned around to my see my dad running at me. Luckily there was a police officer there. He stopped him before he could hurt me. Next thing I knew my dad was being arrested.

Michael: Mom what did I just do?

Karen: Something I should of done many years ago.

I hugged my mom and then the police officer asked my mom and I to go to the police station for questioning.


A few hours later the police and cps had everything they needed to put my dad in jail. I said everything I possibly could about the last 7 years. I also found out that my dad threatened my mom to not call the police. He said he would kill us if she did. That's why she didn't do anything about it. I'm just happy that she is not going to jail. Even though I was happy that my dad couldn't hurt us anymore I was still pissed at Luke. How could call cps after promising he wouldn't. I mean at this point he probably already told Calum and Ashton. I thought he was my friend. Hell I even had a crush on him. I am still going to school tomorrow and I really don't want to see him.


It was the next day. I got on my bike and rode to school. It was already going around that my dad went to jail for child abuse. Some people were smiling at me which was weird. It was probably just pity. When I arrived to school I locked my bike and walked inside. People were pointing and laughing at me. I ignored them and walked right up to my group of friends. I pushed Luke against the locker and started screaming at him.

Michael: What the fuck is wrong with you asshole?

Luke: What do you mean?

Michael: You promised Luke! You fucking promised me you wouldn't say anything and then the next day cps is at my door! Now my dad is in jail and this whole fucking town knows everything! I thought you were my friend! 

Luke: Michael I kept my promise! I didn't call cps. I didn't even tell Calum or Ashton and they could tell I was lying to them!

Michael: Bullshit Luke! You are the only one that knew aside from my mom!

Ashton: Michael if he says he didn't do it then he didn't do it!

Michael: Stay out of this Ashton!

Luke: Maybe your mom called then!

Michael: She didn't fucking do anything! You did!

Luke: I'm only going to say it once more. I did not tell anyone anything about your dad. I knew that if I did you would hate me. If you don't believe me that's your own fault!

Principal: Clifford, Hemmings my office now!

I walked down to the principals office and sat in a chair beside Luke. I was surprised to see my mom and my music teacher Ms.Dawson in there.

Michael: What the fuck is it now Jerry?

Karen: Michael!

Principal: Care to explain why why you are screaming at Luke and shoving him into a locker?

Michael: I'm sure you know everything about my life now because this whole fucking town seems to know. Anyway Luke here can't seem to keep a promise. 

Principal: You guys are friends.

Michael: I'm gonna cut you off right there. He is not my friend. He lost that when he fucked with my life.

Principal: That's enough with the swearing.

Michael: Whatever Jerry. Also Ms.Dawson why are you here? No offense.

Ms.Dawson: Michael Luke didn't call cps. I did.

Michael: Wait what? How would you even know about my dad.

Ms.Dawson: When you got suspended and your dad came to pick you up. The parking lot is right outside my classroom. I saw your dad hit you.

Luke: See Michael! I told you I didn't do it.

Michael: Sorry for blaming you.

I felt bad now because I was blaming Luke for everything that happened. After apologizing to him Jerry brought up detention. He wanted to give me a detention for shoving Luke and swearing. Luke luckily convinced him to not give me one. My mom had to leave for work and we had class so I said goodbye to her and went to class.

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