Drabbles Challenge - Ray Toro x Reader

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Prompt 118: Your favourite superhero can't be a villain
Prompt 120: He's pampering me, let him be
Prompt 123: Oh, did I scare you big boy
Word count: 963
A/N: Sorry i did not post yesterday. I had/have some shit going on, and i can't queue posts on here, so i simply forgot. Sorry.

With a sigh of relief you entered the air conditioned comic book store. The heat outside was close to unbearable today, the sun so strong that five minutes in it could give literally anyone a bad sunburn, and to make it even worse, the air was moist, and heavy. But in here, between shelves filled with thin and thick paper books, the air was so cool that you got goose bumps.


You immediately turned to the counter behind which your friend Gerard was sitting on a chair, feet pulled up to his chest, reading a comic book.

"Hey Gee," you greeted and walked over, "what's up?"

"Not much, still waiting for that delivery of new Mikey Mouse stuff," he answered, throwing the DC booklet he had been reading aside, and got up to hug you over the counter. "Ray's in the back, by the way, but don't ask him about his guitar lessons, he's furious."

You nodded and tapped your temple in a small mock salute, before you headed towards the section in the back where you knew you would find Ray.

And sure enough you spotted the tall boy between the shelves, nose deeply buried in last month's issue of Batman.

"How was your guitar lesson?"

Your question startled Ray, and he jumped back a foot in surprise.

"Whoa, do you always have to sneak up like this," he asked, placing a hand over his heart.

"Oh, did I scare you big boy," you laughed, and went to hug him, which he quickly returned."You know I get lost in the stories, you can't do this to me every time," he complained as he stepped back."Oh trust me, I can," you giggled, and craned your head to be able to see what he had been reading, "Joker's beating Batman's ass once again I see."

"Yes, but Batman's gonna win, you know," Ray replied with a smug grin, knowing how much you liked the Joker.

"I wouldn't be so sure, one day the Joker will win, once and for all."

"Back at the old discussion, I see," Gerard interrupted your talk, carrying two bottles of coke and a plate with cookies, "Marc left them here for me, but I'm not hungry. Thought you might like some."

He handed you the plate of cookies and one of the bottles, giving the other one to Ray.

"Gee, tell 'em that Batman will always win over the Joker," Ray demanded, making you laugh.

"Batman's everybody's favourite superhero, of course he'll always win," Gerard shrugged, as if it was a given fact.

"Not mine, my favourite is the Joker," you answered challengingly.

"The Joker's a villain, your favourite superhero can't be a villain," Ray protested.

"Just watch me," you grinned, knowing how much it annoyed Ray.

"Okay, I think I'm gonna leave you two to it then...," Gerard mumbled, not being in the mood to listen to the two of you fighting about Batman and the Joker, when the next issue of the comic series he was just reading was already waiting for him.

"Oh no, one day you'll understand the beauty of Bruce's tragedy, and then nothing will keep you from loving him, not even the Joker," Ray replied convinced, not having even noticed Gerard walking off again.

"I doubt it," you shrugged, taking one of the biscuits, and biting of a piece.

Amused you watched Ray thinking really hard for a moment.

"Have you seen the new Batman movie yet? 'Cause that one'll surely do the job."

"Nah, no Joker in there."

"Okay, then that's where we're going right now," Ray decided, immediately putting the comic he had still been holding back into the shelf.

"Uh, Ray Toro, are you asking me on a date?"

You laughed, quickly taking the plate with the cookies, as Ray grabbed your hand, and pulled you towards the front of the shop.

"Not asking, dragging you. It's way overdue that I ask you out anyway. And I definitely can't have you liking the Joker more than Batman, if you want me to be your boyfriend."

"No one ever said I want you to be-"

You tried interrupting Ray, not sure how exactly the conversation had shifted from fighting over favourite superheroes to dating this quickly.

"Not said, but thought. Or haven't you?"

Challengingly Ray stopped, and spun you around to look at you, finding that your cheeks, just like his own, were covered in a pink hue.

"Well, I guess?"

"See, cinema it is, and ice cream afterwards," Ray grinned triumphant, "I pay."

On your way out you quickly dropped off the plate with the cookies at the counter where Gerard, who had not noticed any of your discussion going on, was reading in the next issue of his comic series again.

"Hey, where're you guys going," he asked confused, "Ray, where you taking (y/n)?"

"Convince her of how great Batman is," Ray replied, grinning.

"He's just pampering me, let him be," you laughed to Gerard, whose gaze flickered to Ray's hand which was tangled with yours.

"Wouldn't've thought he'd actually ask you out," Gerard shrugged, seeming not quite as surprised by the sudden, but definitely not unwelcome, turn of events as you were.

"He didn't, he's dragging me out. His own words," you explained, but Gerard had already picked his comic back up.

"Yeah, yeah, great, now let's go, if we hurry we can still make the afternoon show," Ray pressed, impatiently tucking at your hand.

Grinning your followed him out of the shop, secretly relieved that you finally would be able to drop the pretence that you did not like Batman, just to annoy him. It had gotten exhausting. But in the end, it seemed like there actually came something really great of it.

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now