Frank Iero x Reader - I Lied (Part Two)

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Word count: 1 104

The next morning was... awkward. You woke up cuddled into Frank's side like so many times before, and the memories of the prior evening came crushing in over you, like a wave. You pulled away gently, only to find that Frank was awake already, his eyes scanning your face carefully. But it was not the soft and affectionate kind of careful you had expected and hoped for. It was worried, pale cheeks, wide eyes, and tightly pressed together lips.

Confused you sat up turning to your friend, but the moment you wanted to ask if he was okay, he had already jumped out of his bed, leaving the room in haste. For a moment nothing made sense. Had you only dreamt about the kiss and the confession last night? Had you made it all up in your mind? Had you mentioned something to Frank that had scared him away now?

Of course it could not have been true, of course Frank did not feel the same way for you as you felt for him. Who had spoken about their feelings first? Had it been you or him? If it had been you, maybe he had just said he felt the same in order to not break your heart, and now felt awkward about it? Or maybe you were so bad a kisser that he never wanted to kiss you again?

Blood was rushing in your ears, and you felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes. You needed to get out of here. You needed to get out of here. You needed to leave as quickly as possible. Where had Frank run of to? Maybe you could escape whatever situation you had manoeuvred yourself into without having to see him?

Quickly you scrambled off the bed, and started searching for your things. The shirt and sweat pants you were wearing belonged to Frank; he always gave you his clothes to sleep in. Should you just keep the stuff on, and put it into his locker on Monday? No, it would be best if you quickly put on the clothes from yesterday. Locking yourself in the bathroom with your backpack, into which you had stuffed the jeans and the shirt from the evening, you quickly redressed, messily folding Frank's clothes, and placing it on the closed toilet lid.

When you were about to unlock the door again, you caught a glance of yourself in the mirror. All colour had left your face, your eyes were big and scared, dark circles drawn under them, and your hair was dishevelled. You made a lousy attempt at getting your hair back into some kind of order, but gave up quickly. Nobody would care anyway. Unlocking the door, you quickly stepped into Frank's room, and were ready to walk to the door directly, but got distracted.

The guitarist was pacing up and down in his room, looking at least as distraught as you felt. When he heard the door unlock, he stopped and glanced over to you. He looked far too tired for someone who had just slept for about nine hours.

"Yesterday evening-"

No, no, nonononono. You did not want to have this conversation. You did not want to discuss this now.


"Please, (y/n), let me- let me explain."

Every single fibre in your body screamed at you to leave, to not give him a chance at breaking your heart more than it already was. Yet you willed your feet to not move.

Frank nervously fidgeted around with his fingers, his eyes darting around the room, hardly meeting yours for more than a split second.

"I know I said I love you," he started, and you already had a feeling you knew how he would finish. 'but I didn't mean it.'

Instead of continuing he took a shaky breath, and finally looked up at you, meeting your eyes.

"I meant every single word, and I regret nothing. If I made you uncomfortable-"

You shook your head, and interrupted Frank. "You meant it?"


"That you... that you like me?"

"Love you," Frank corrected. "Yes, of course I did. I'm sorry that I pressured you into-"

"You didn't," you interrupted him again, "you didn't pressure me into anything at all."

Frank stared at you confused for a moment.

"I... didn't?"

"Do I look like someone who gets pressured into anything," you asked, carefully taking a step towards him. When he did not answer or move away, you took another step. "I had hoped so much to hear you say these things, and when I woke up, I just couldn't believe all this was real."

Frank exhaled slowly a breath he had been holding for too long.

"Neither could I," he broke eye contact, "and I tend to run away from stuff I don't want to face."

"I know," you smiled gently, finally close enough to reach for Frank's hands, taking them between yours, "are you gonna run from me now?"

Frank chuckled.

"Never again," he grinned, lifting his hands, which were intertwined with yours, to his face and gently brushed his lips against your knuckles.

"Can I kiss you?"

A blush immediately burned over Frank's cheeks, and his eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he nodded, embarrassed yet eagerly.

Carefully you leaned in, leaving enough time for Frank to back away, but instead he met you in the middle, shaking pressing his lips against yours in a shy kiss. But just after a moment he grew more impatient and, letting go of your hands, he wrapped you in a hug, never breaking the kiss. When you started grinning, a mixture of amusement about his eagerness, and happiness about the turn of events, he pulled away, raising an eyebrow at you.


"Nothing," you giggled, and quickly pecked him on the cheek, "I'm just happy."

"Oh, you're happy? Then what do I call what I'm feeling? Because it sure is more than happiness," he laughed, and wrapped his arms closer around you, lifting you a few inches into the air, and swirled you around.

"Put me down, put me down," you squeaked giggling, and hit his shoulder playfully.

When he did, he took your face into his hands and kissed you again, longer, more intensely this time.

"Should we get breakfast," he eventually suggested, out of breath and with kiss-swollen lips.

"Good idea, I'm starving," you admitted.


Frank wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him, guiding you out of the room, and you could not help but think how glad you were that you had stopped lying about your feelings for each other.

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