Dad!Dallon + Child!Reader - Breakfast

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Word count: 789

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Groaning you turned around in your bed, taking a glimpse at the time.

"Leave me alone dad, it's only nine," you mumbled trying to escape your father's enthusiastic wake up call.

"What do you mean, only," Dallon asked, tucking on the blanket you were wrapped up in, "you used to wake me up at half past five on Sundays, so I think nine is incredibly generous!"

"When I was three! Now just let me sleep, please," you whined, trying to hold on to the blanket your dad was insistently pulling on.

"Okay," much to your surprise the pulling stopped and steps moved towards the door of your room, "then I'll eat all the pancakes alone."

Immediately you perked up. Pancakes? It had been ages since Dallon had made pancakes for you the last time, and no matter what anybody else said: his pancakes were the best in the world.

"What?" Quickly you jumped out of bed, so quickly in fact that you took your blanket with you, and almost fell because it was wrapped around your legs. "No! I want pancakes! You didn't say anything about pancakes before!"

When you reached the kitchen, everything smelled wonderfully of freshly baked pancakes, fried eggs and bacon. The sunlight shone in through one of the kitchen windows you had helped clean yesterday, and on the balcony the first flowers of spring were blooming in the flower boxes. The coffee machine was huffing and puffing on the kitchen counter, and you had to stop for a moment. Everything about this morning seemed perfect. Overnight it had rained a little, making the world outside glow in new found energy, the sun light reflecting in thousands of tiny drops of water that hung from the balcony's balustrade, and you could hear the birds outside singing, even over the noise of the coffee machine and the extractor fan.

Dallon seemed to have noticed your wonderment, and grinned.

"It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?"

You nodded quietly, and walked over to the breakfast bar, sitting down on one of the high chairs.

"And you would have missed it all if I had let you sleep," your dad laughed, and placed a plate in front of you.

"Shut up," you mumbled and laughed quietly.

Next he loaded your plate with food, and placed a coffee in front of you. You did not even have to check to know he had made it the exact way you loved it.

"So, what is the plan for today," you asked after thanking him, starting to dig into your meal.

"I don't know," he answered, "I thought maybe we could go for a long walk, a small hike even? The weather is supposed to stay sunny until this evening."

You nodded. "Sounds great! Where did you think about going?"

"Haven't really thought about it yet," Dallon admitted. "I just know I need some nature around myself. I've been stuck in the studio for so long I have forgotten what fresh air is."

You laughed, but knew he was serious. For weeks he had worked relentlessly on the new album, getting to the studio first thing in the morning, and returning only late at night. You were one of the few people who had gotten sneak peeks at his work regularly, and you were not lying if you said you loved it a lot. It was maybe not considered cool to be a fan of your own dad's band, but in your opinion his music was amazing, and you knew how happy Dallon was that you enjoyed his work.

"What about that lake with the water lilies," you suggested; remembering the beautiful, secluded piece of forest you had discovered last summer by chance. It was full of wild life (you had spent half an hour watching a mouse perfect the entrance to its little home), hardly any people knew about this part of the forest, and the small lake with water lilies, reed and hundreds of fishes and waterfowls always reminded you of an enchanted forest from a fairy tale.

"Oh, that's a nice idea," Dallon agreed, "The lilies might not be in bloom yet, but there'll probably be tons of other flowers now."

You spent the rest of the breakfast planning out your trip; what food did you want to take for lunch, which snacks, should you bring a picnic blanket? If you were being honest, you were glad your dad had woken you up on this Sunday, because if he had not, you would never have gotten this amazing breakfast and such an amazing trip to this beautiful lake, but you would be damned if you would ever let him know. He probably knew anyway.

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