Drabbles Challenge: Patrick Stump x Reader

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Prompt 29: "Come over here and make me."
Prompt 90: "Trust me"
Prompt 95: "You're cute when you're all worried."
: slight panic
count: 848
aka the stuck in an elevator trope

You hated elevators. Which in modern Chicago was not good, especially not when the head office of the label you were employed at was on the top floor of one of these god damn skyscrapers.

But you momentarily forgot about that, when Patrick, the slightly chubby, very cute, and always friendly lead singer of Fall Out Boy stepped next to you, to wait for the elevator as well. It made sense that he was there, after all you were on your way to the last meeting before the next Fall Out Boy tour, to discuss the last details with the label before you would go on tour with the band as their assistant.

You had liked Patrick from the first moment on. He always had something calm and reassuring about himself, never made you feel stupid for the sometimes weird sounding things you said, and always was there when you needed to talk, even though it really would not have been his job to listen to you.

So when you stepped into the elevator, already listening to Patrick talking about the ideas he had for the tour that he still needed to get approved, your heart was not beating at light speed because of the elevator, but because of the man at your side. Half a minute later though that had changed, much to your dismay.

The elevator had abruptly stopped between two floors, making you stumble slightly, but luckily not into Patrick, who himself had given a surprised sound. At the same time the lights flickered off, leaving only the emergency call button to glow in the dark.

"Oh god," you whispered, desperately clinging to the railing on the wall behind you.

"Typical," Patrick mumbled, and was already in the process of pressing the red button, but nothing happened.

You knew the sign next to the button said to wait for instructions, you had read the sign a thousand times by now, but now that nothing happened, your breathing sped up, and you started to feel dizzy.

It took Patrick a couple of moments to notice that you had sunk to the floor, back pressing against the wall. Turning away from the panel with the buttons, he searched for you in the dim red light, and when he saw you, knees pulled to your chest, he immediately fell to his knees next to you.

"Hey, it's fine, this is completely normal," he assured you, gently reaching out to pat your shoulder.

"I fucking hate elevators," you explained, trying to control the tremble in your voice.

"That's understandable, but we're safe, these things here are completely safe. Trust me," he whispered. In the red light you could see that his eyes were wide as he tried to comfort you, a look of huge concern on his face.

"You're cute when you're all worried," you mumbled, not really aware that you had actually said the words out loud.

Patrick blushed furiously, but remained silent.

After almost ten minutes, the elevator had still not started moving again, but luckily it had not started falling either. Patrick had tried the button again multiple times, and of course you had also checked your mobiles, but you should have known that there would be no success with these bloody things, since there was a dead zone in the elevator shaft.

"I can't take this anymore," you whispered more to yourself than to Patrick who had settled down on the wall opposite you.

"It's alright, they're probably already working on turning the power back on," Patrick responded patiently, "Just stay calm."

He had said this so many times by now that you were starting to get annoyed by it, and you expressed your displeasure by the ungracious snort that left you.

"Oh yeah, great, why don't you come over here and make me?"

You did not realize the underlying implication of your words until you looked over to Patrick, who was staring at you. Before you were able to say anything that doubtlessly would have made the situation only weirder, he had already pushed away from the wall he had been sitting against and crawled the short distance of two feet over to you, taking your face into his hands, and kissing you hard.

His action did not calm you down. In the contrary; it caused your heart rate to skyrocket while you wrapped your fingers in his soft, blonde hair, and kissed him back, not quite able to believe this was happening. But at least you forgot about the elevator for a while.

Patrick only pulled back when the lights suddenly turned back on, and you started moving upwards again, as if nothing had happened. Standing up, he offered you a hand, and helped you up as well, immediately placing his hands at your waist in order to hold you close.

"I've wanted to do this for ages," he admitted, brushing his nose against yours.

"Getting stuck in an elevator," you asked jokingly, leaning into his soft touch.

"I mean, yeah, if that's what it takes to get a chance to kiss you..."

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