Jet Star x Reader - Unspoken Truth (Part Two)

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Summary: Waking up next to Jet Star, the morning after you confessed your feelings for each other.
: mention of an injury and blood
Word count
: 1 095
: A little late, as always, but better late than never, right? Story in honour of a certain guitarist's birthday last Wednesday.

It had to be early, really early. Otherwise the sun would already shine through your little window, and paint patterns of light and shadow against the wall opposite your bed. But now the room was still dark and the air fresh. The cold night had allowed the room to cool down.

You had not even quite started orientating yourself in your narrow bed, but for some reason you felt at peace. This in itself was strange already. In a desert, hunted by the government, facing death on an almost daily basis while being careful not to get stuck in acid rain, the radiation of a toxic sun, or sandstorms, it was basically impossible to ever feel calm. And yet here you were, taking a long breath, inhaling cool air, and cuddling against...

Your eyes snapped open as the memories of last night came flooding back into your brain. The split second it had taken from the memories pouring back in to your eyes focusing on what they saw, you were absolutely certain none of these things had happened, that all of them had been made up by you, or a dream. In this split second it was impossible that you should have spent the evening looking up into the sky, sitting on top of the diner with Jet by your side, wrapped in his jacket. For this blink of time it was impossible that you had retreated to your room, just before Jet had ran in, kissing you desperately, and pressing you against that wardrobe. But the bruises on your hips, from where he had been holding you, told a different story.

And so did the mop of brown curls in front of your face. You lay snuggled against Jet's chest, your nose buried in his long hair, with your hand loosely holding onto his shirt while he had wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you as close to him as possible.

Your heart was trying to start beating wildly at the realisation that the events of the prior evening had in fact not been a vivid dream, but real, that Jet felt the same for you as you for him. But all the excitement felt like too much work. Everything was comfortable and warm, even though the air against your face was cool and the clothes rigid. You had not gotten time to change out of bloodstained clothes yesterday, and instead allowed Jet to pull you into bed wearing the dusty clothes from the day. Did it matter? No, not right now. You remembered where you had been shot in the leg, but the pain felt distant, and your focus shifted again immediately when you looked at Jet.

His eyes were closed and his face was completely relaxed. Most of the time he seemed to be stressed and tense from the constant worry. Now he looked almost ten years younger, with a light smile on his lips.

Carefully, as not to disturb him, you reached up to his face, and gently brushed a lock of his hair out of his forehead. His hair was soft, a lot softer than yours, and when you let it fall to the side, you ran the strand through your fingers. Jet seemed not to have noticed your little act of affection, so you carefully pulled your hand back again, and placed it against his chest, where it had rested before. From the corner of your eyes you noticed his hair and yours had mixed up on the pillow. And somehow it made you smile. Blinking slowly, you realised how tired you still were, and engulfed by the warmth and safety that radiated from Jet, you allowed your eyes to close again.

The next time you woke up, the room was a lot warmer and brighter already. You could hear Jet move before you even opened your eyes, and felt warm, dry fingers brush against your cheek, fingertips running along your jawline and over your lips, before pulling away and moving back up to your forehead, gently staring to move over your face again. Involuntarily a smile pulled on your lips, and immediately the hand moved away.

"Good morning," you mumbled and slowly blinked your eyes open.

Jet was still lying in front of you, a blush on his cheeks, his brown eyes looking embarrassed.

"I didn't want to wake you," he answered quietly, sounding guilty.

"If I could chose, I'd chose to always be woken up like this," you smiled sleepily, causing him to smile too, before he hesitantly reached up to your face again. When you did not move away, his fingertips started exploring your skin again.

For a long while you just watched him, how his eyes followed his fingers, how he sometimes smiled out of nowhere, and you wondered what tiny detail he had discovered that had made him smile.

"So...," his voice was raspy when he whispered and for the first time since you had spoken his eyes met yours. Much to your surprise they were full of worry and insecurity. "About yesterday evening, what I said, what I did, I don't regret any of it. But if you do, then-"

He was silenced by your lips against his. How dare he think you would regret kissing him, falling asleep in his arms. No way you regretted any of that.

Your reaction luckily seemed to convince Jet of that, and he wrapped his arms around you again. But far too quickly for your liking he pulled away, and instead brushed his nose against yours.

"As much as I would like to do this for the rest of the day," he massaged little circles into your back where he had placed one of his hands, "I'm really hungry right now."

As if your body had been reminded by his words that it had skipped dinner yesterday, you realised just how hungry you were as well.

"Yes," you agreed, "me too."

Jet grinned and sat up in bed, stretching for a moment before standing up. You had never realised how small your room was until you saw Jet standing in there. This room was too small for two people walking around, but luckily you just had to fall out of bed and through the door into the diner.

When you did, Jet immediately wrapped his armaround your waist, as if he had waited to do that for years. Together youwalked through the room, with dishevelled hair, and blushed cheeks, joining therest of the Fabulous Killjoys, earning some surprised but acknowledging raisedeyebrows.

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