Vampire!Brendon x Reader - Truth

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Request: Can you make a story where Brendon is a vampire and the readed HATES vampires because her ex-boyfriend was killed by a vampire so Bren hide his vampire secret to the reader, then they became together then the reader found out that Brendon is a vampire and in fact the vampire who killed her ex-boyfriend? I dunno what's next but that's my idea!
: vampires, blood, death, violence, implied plan to rape someone
count: 1 480

You had always known that Brendon came with secrets, and you had never really cared about it. You figured that if there was something he wanted you to know, he would tell you. And that if he wanted to keep something from you, he had his fair reasons, and so you never asked.

Truth be told, you were happy enough to just have him around. He was sweet and caring, and made sure you always were safe. That made him special.

When you had first met Brendon, you had just broken up with your boyfriend. Brendon and you had taken your time to get to know each other, and he had understood that you needed to take things slowly, the last relationship being still in your mind sometimes. But then your ex-boyfriend, Danny, got killed.

You remembered vividly how the police had turned up at your doorstep. They had told you he had died, had been killed. By vampires. Honestly it did not surprise you that his early death was connected to these pointy-teethed bloodsuckers. He had always liked to take risks, had always loved to provoke them, and with the growing tensions between humans and vampires, the number of victims on both sides grew day by day. In the end he was just another number in a statistic.

His death had thrown you off though. Yes, you had broken up with him, and even though you had not been in love with him anymore, you had still been friends. The memories of the relationship still connected you, and while you sometimes were annoyed by his advances, trying to win you back, you had still liked him. After this devastating news, you had distanced yourself from Brendon, trying not to drown your pain in his arms, because that would not have been fair to him. You knew you had risked Brendon moving on from you, but you were lucky enough that he had not. And about a year after your ex-boyfriend's death you had started dating, never really worrying about the secrets Brendon was carrying around.

Until now.

The blood that ran down Brendon's chin was bright red, and your human instincts immediately sounded alarm.

Brendon had stumbled into your shared flat, bruised face, torn clothes, and blood running over his face and from his mouth. Quickly you rushed over to him, stopping half a foot away, not daring to touch him, in case you would accidently hurt him.

"What happened," you gasped in terror. Had he been attacked by vampires? Had they bitten him? Were they after him?

"Just-" Brendon lifted his hands, signalling you to give him some space, which you quickly did.

With the sleeve of his shirt he wiped off the blood on his chin and mouth, but when he lowered his arm again, you froze.

The fangs that stuck out from under his upper lip were clearly visible. Everything around you seemed to spin all of a sudden, while your brain was trying to make sense of it. You knew that the infection with vampire blood took several weeks to fully develop, so the fangs were not new, but something he had been hiding from you. And that's when you started to worry about what else he had kept secret from you.

"(y/n), what-"

Brendon had picked up on your reaction, and it only took him a split second to realise what was going on.

"Shit, shit," he mumbled, quickly pulling the fangs back into his jaw, "please, (y/n)-"

"You're a vampire."

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