Ryan Ross x Reader - Birthday Drabble 2020

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Word count: 976
A/N: Happy Birthday, Ryan! (I've barely written anything these past months, so it's just a longish drabble, but better than nothing, right?)

Unevenly rain drummed against the glasses of the windows, a sound in the background you hardly noticed anymore. Outside it had gotten surprisingly cold these past few days; autumn was early this year. But you could not complain. It being too cold and the weather overall not being all to inviting, Ryan's friends had decided to postpone his birthday party at the beach, which in return meant you had him all to yourself today.

Even though it was Sunday, you had gotten up early to make a birthday cake to surprise him with, and after walking the dogs in the rain, you had made breakfast for the both of you, which you had woken him up with. Since then the two of you had hardly moved, only from the bed to the sofa in the living room and walking the dogs in between. A warm fire was burning in the fire place, the first one of the season.

Secretly you were glad to have the noon walk behind you already. Ryan had suggested going out together, armed with wellies and an umbrella. Together, arm in arm, he had pulled you close to his body to keep you under the umbrella with him, each of you guiding one of the dogs in your free hand. Even though it had been cold and still raining outside, Ryan and you had found ways to cheer each other up, jumping into puddles together, making fun of each other, and earning reproachful glances from the dogs all the time.

When you had come home, both of you had been wet to the skin even though you had worn rain jackets, and carried the umbrella. So after changing into some dry, comfortable clothes, you had cuddled up on the sofa, eating cake and drinking hot chocolate, which Ryan had made for the two of you.

By now the plates and cups were empty; the record you had gotten him for his birthday had finished playing. Outside it was still raining, and the grey clouds grew darker, both from the sun that already started to set and the upcoming thunderstorm. Even through the thick walls and huge windows you could hear the wind picking up speed outside. Lazily you turned out head, and watched the wind whip through the bushes and trees outside, pulling on the leaves and branches.

In the beginning Ryan and you had sat next to each other, his arm around your shoulder, but as soon as both of you had finished eating, he had fallen over to the side, pulling you down with him, so you were resting on top of him, your head on his chest, his arms draped over your back. Occasionally he leant up just enough to press a kiss into your hair, and you listened to his heartbeat while drawing little patterns into his shirt.

Lighting flashed out of the clouds, momentarily lighting up the cosy room with bright white light. Only a few seconds later deep thunder rumbled across the land and sent a shiver down your spine. You loved thunderstorms, as long as you were safe inside, and cuddling with Ryan while watching the forces of nature unfold outside was absolutely perfect. Dottie, on the other hand, who had never been a big fan of thunder, retreated underneath the dining room table.

You felt Ryan shift underneath you, pulling the fluffy blanket from the backrest of the sofa, and covering the two of you with it. You cuddled closer against his chest, deeply inhaling his familiar scent. Just a few months ago, it had been an omnipresent sensation when visiting him, but since you lived together, you found you had gotten used to the smell of his house. Now you only ever really noticed it when snuggling close to him.

Ryan, in return, could not deny that it was absolutely amazing how his bed smelled a little bit more like you, now that you slept in it every night. He pressed another kiss into your hair, and leant back again, closing his eyes. He wanted to thank you for the beautiful birthday, but realised he was unable to phrase it properly. He could do that later, when he woke up again. And from the way your breathing had deepened, he guessed you were almost asleep already anyway.

Sleepily he smiled to himself, turning his head just enough to be able to bury his nose in your hair. How lucky he was to have you! Just a year ago he had been full of self-doubt of whether things really would work out with you, whether he was rushing things too much for your liking, whether he really deserved you. But somehow you had always managed to communicate properly with each other, and Ryan was beyond happy for that. Yes, maybe he still sometimes doubted whether he was worth your time, attention and love. But in all these months you had never left any doubt that you wanted him by your side and nobody else. So it seemed like he did not really get a say in the matter of his worthiness of you; you had already made up your mind, it seemed.

Ryan took another deep breath and relaxed deeper into the pillow under his head. Did you have any idea how much more he enjoyed this than hanging out on a beach with his friends? He did make sure to stay in contact with them, but since it was his birthday, he felt like he got to choose what he wanted to do, and this was just about perfect.

Outside the rain got even worse, and lightings raced across the sky in rapid succession. The fire in the fire place crackled quietly, and your breathing was calm and even. Everything was as it should be, Ryan realised, and slowly drifted off into sleep.

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