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Amelia's P.O.V.

I greeted the twins at the door while Dona was still in her room adjusting herself. I told them to wait in the living-room while I go check on the food that I'm cooking. Soon after, Dona came in.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting," she said and stretched her hand for them to shake.

"No problem," one of the twins responded.

"Anyways, I'm Dona and that's Amelia, my roommate."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ethan and this is Edan." Their faces were the same. Same light grey eyes, same blond hair color, and same hairstyle. There was only one remark that could differentiate them. Ethan had tiny freckles and Edan doesn't. However, freckles or no, they're both sexy. 'What the fuck Amelia, they are your neighbors that you just met two minutes ago. Calm down would you?' I nodded at myself and joined everyone.

When I settled myself right next to Dona on the sofa, I saw their eyes looking at me. Not just any eyes, hungry ones full of desire. That action instantly made me uncomfortable, so I started a conversation.

"So, where do you guys come from?" I asked.

"Vancouver," Edan replied.

"Oh wow, that's far. Why come here?"

"Our father,  who lives here, retired and he owns a company which is worth billions of dollars. He only trusts his sons, so we moved into the house next door and plan on staying there permanently." Ethan said.

"How old are you guys?" I asked. They looked very young to be billionaires.

"We are 23 years old." Say what now? 23!? Is that even possible? Dona and I both look at each other with wide eyes.

"Isn't that too young to be owning a successful company?"

"Not to our father, anyways that won't be the only thing we're going to own soon." They both smirked and looked at me. I was very uncomfortable with this and went to check on the food. To my surprise, it was already finish cocking. I place the lasagna on the table with some mashed potato, salade, rice, and meatballs that I made earlier.

'I know, I'm a cocking machine.'

I called everyone to the table while a was placing that plates and glasses. The table had 6 places, I sat at the corner, Ethan on my left and Edan on my right, he was at the end. Finally, Dona sits next to Edan facing me. I didn't know why the twins did not sit next to each other but I shrugged it off. Dona started dishing out her food first, then came me and lastly the twins. At the beginning, we ate silently but Ethan soon broke it.

"So, how old are you girls?"

"I'm 21 but Dona is turning 22 in two weeks," I said.

"Yeah, I'm having a huge house party, your welcome to come if you want," Dona added with her mouth stuffed with food.

"Uh, we'll see about that," Etan replied. "You guys are in college?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're graduating this year," Dona answered.

"Interesting, are you gonna continue into university or get a job?" Ethan asked. By my observations, Ethan looks like a more serious guy, but on the other hand, you have Edan who is always smiling and happy. Also, he is sexy...

"I would like to work in a bakery after college," I replied.

"I would totally understand, your so talented," Edan stated.

"Thank you." I started to blush slightly but it got worse when I felt a hand on my thigh. I took a glance at who's hand it was and saw that it led to Edan's. He was slowly circling his thumb against my smooth skin. Somehow, that action pleased me a lot and Edan most've seen that I bit my lip because he began moving his hand higher up my thigh. My heart was beating fast, not because I was nervous because I was eager for him to touch me. I don't know why this man had this effect on me, but it was dangerous. His hand was now at the level of my pussy and it is wetter than before. One chance Dona and Ethan talking in between them because they would've clearly seen Edan's hand on me. Edan slowly pushed my panty on the side and started rubbing his fingers against my folds. I bit my lip and closed my eyes because of the heavenly feeling I was having. Soon, he started rubbing my clit and slipped two fingers inside me. I was rocking my hips against his fingers. When he started pushing his fingers in and out, I couldn't hold the moan escape my mouth. Shit...

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