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Ethan's P.O.V.

"I'm Nick, Amelia's friend." Even when he lowered his gun and showed no more signs of threat, we still kept ours pointed at him. He looked suspicious.

"Never heard of you before," Edan said skeptically.

"That's because we became friends recently. I'm here for the same reasons as you but Amelia currently thinks otherwise. One of the people who kidnapped her is my ex, I pretended to get back with her only to know what her deal was with Amelia. I knew she up to something because she always hated Amelia for some reason and suddenly acted friendly around her."

"So, you're not actually helping them but helping us?" I asked and he nodded. Glancing at Edan who was slightly in front of me, he glanced back at me and we lowered our guns together.

"Since you're basically a double agent, can you get us inside so we can save Amelia faster?" He agreed and motioned us to follow him while he entered the building. Inside was just a long hallway with multiple doors on each side. The structure of the building wasn't the best. Leaks were everywhere and there was a weird stench in the air.

Nick walked down the hallway passing all of the doors until he suddenly stopped in front of one.

"She's in here but, I'll go in first to see if Jasmine is in there with her," he informed us before slipping inside the room. I tried to get a glimpse of the room but the door shut closed preventing me from seeking a small glance.

"Ethan, have you ever considered leaving?," Edan suddenly asked me. I turned towards him.

"Leaving what?"

"The gang." I studied his face a little before answering.

"Yeah, sometimes but right now I'm considering it even more," I stated. I've thought about leaving the gang and just living a simple life before. I'm considering it even more in the situation we're in. If being in the gang means putting our babygirl in danger I will surely quit in a heartbeat. Nothing will ever come before her, I just love her so fucking much.

"When all of this shit is over, I want to quit. We could give our positions to a well-trusted member. I don't want to be in this if it means that Amelia would always be at risk of danger."

"Sounds good brother." I smiled at him. The door went flying open revealing Nick.

"Guys, you should come and see for yourselves." We quickly entered the room, both of us eager to see if our babygirl was alright.

However, when we entered we were met with an empty room.

Was this a trap?

I quickly pulled out my gun and pointed it at Nick.

"What kind of games are you up to? She's clearly not here." With his hands held in the air, he seemed nervous.

"I-I know, I swear she was here when I left." Lies.

"Bullshit, I don't believe a word you say. Now, take my Amelia right now or I'll do the honors and shoot you in the head."

"Please listen, I-" The doors suddenly opened cutting Nick mid-sentence. All of our heads whipped to the source of the noise. Standing there with a victorious smile was Kelly, Jasmine's sister. We haven't seen her since Jasmine and we broke up. Jasmine and Kelly were so close they were each other's ride or dies. That's why I wasn't surprised to find that she was in this too. Typical Francesco, sending other people to do his dirty jobs. He and my dad always had that in common, they never physically had blood on their hands but it was always there in a way.

"Everyone is here, now is time to start the party. Please follow me." Could this night get even more tiring?

I've been thinking and should I make a spin-off about Dona?


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