Chapter 4

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We raced through the forest, even in our human forms we were as fast as lighting. I opened my mind link.

"Jeff, and Alex you take the north Sophie and Stephan you take south and, Missy and I will go east, stay in your human forms unless necessary." I ordered, and they all sprinted their directions.

I was running, taking in all my surroundings, making sure i wasn't missing anything. When i suddenly felt something familiar, I couldn't pin point it so I pushed it to the back of my head and kept running. When i came to a clearing at the edge of the property I stopped. I saw five or six humans standing at the other side. 

 "Alpha, why are there humans here?" Missy asked me a little scared through the mind link. I didn't understand why until I noticed the holsters and swords they all seemed to carry.

"I don't know Miss, inform the others to shift and surround the clearing but to stay out of sight."  I told her as I took three confident steps towards the humans.

 "Can I help you. You must be lost" I said to them.

 " I'm afraid not child I know exactly were I am" One of the tall men said stepping forward.

"You are Cassandra Lilly, am I correct?" He asked. Just then i felt the others arrive and take stance, ready to pounce at my word.

"We are here alpha"  Stephan said through the mind link.

 "Why does it concern you what my name is?" I asked flinching at the sound of my last name.

"Because, my dear I used to know your father, we were acquaintances" I felt my chest loosen and my breath catch at the same time. I never let my guard down though.

"And can you prove that" I said in a threatening tone.

" Well, no but I'm sure Jeffery..." He was interrupted by Jeff pouncing out of the Forrest right in front of him, teeth showing and growling. I knew then this could get ugly as i felt the others stiffen waiting on my move. I growled and Jeff quickly turned around to me and submitted in a matter of seconds. Something i never saw him do not even with my father. I wandered why briefly but pushed the thought back.

" Ahh, we meet again old friend" The man said looking at Jeff. 

Jeff turned slightly and gave a low growl before trotting to my side.

" My family needs a place to stay for a couple nights. We wont be a bother, but as you can see the sunrise is coming fast." I glanced at the sky, he was right, why hadn't I noticed that.

" I don't know alpha. I don't think we can trust them."  Jeff mind linked me

"What does sunrise have to do with anything Jeff" I ordered an answer from him.

" They are from the underworld, if they get caught in the sun they will parish and burn"

"What like vampires" I said hesitantly 

"Exactly like vampires. That's what they are." He said. I didn't know what to think, but I also had no time to think when I looked over at them I saw a girl about my age, she had icy blue eyes, long blond hair and a stunning body. When we locked eyes, my stomach Begin to tighten so much, I doubled over not being able to control myself, I started to shift. I had no idea what was going on. When I was completely shifted, I looked over at the girl who had a pained look on here face. That's when I heard my wolf scream at me so loud it made my head hurt. 


I had no choice but to let them stay after that. I turned to Jeff who even as a wolf had a shocked and worried look on his face.

"Show them to the barn that's where they will stay,once they are in lock the doors until I know I can trust them." I ordered, once I saw him nod his head I took off. I needed to run now that my wolf had just found our mate. Who was a vampire.   

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