Chapter 8:

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A/N: new chapter, hope you enjoy it! But stay patient.

'N-No! Stop! Please!' Eleven woke up and tried to figure out where that came from. 'Please don't! Stop it please!' It was Max, she was screaming and crying. 'Nightmare.' Eleven stood up and turned the lights on. Max was crying, but her eyes were closed, her body was shaking. Eleven walked up to her: 'Max?' No response. 'Max?' She tried again. 'Get off of me! Please! Stop it! It hurts!' Eleven couldn't stand to see her like and shook her arm lightly: 'Max?'

Max instinctively yelped and looked around, while backing up against the wall. Eleven's eyes went wide and she withdrew her hand, staring at Max, who had begun to breathe heavily as she stared back at the brunette. 'It was just a nightmare. It's ok. You're ok, Max.' Max shook her head, and obviously was trying to calm her breathing. Eleven took a step forward, putting one knee on the bed to reach Max. 'Please don't.' Eleven was confused, what did she mean by that? 'Max, I want help.' Max clearly knew that's what she was trying to do so she nodded. Eleven climbed up the bed and sat next to the redhead.

There was a long silence, no one moved. They just sat there. Backs against the wall. Max looked up at Eleven, not knowing what to say or do. Eleven gently put an arm around Max's shoulder and pulled her closer. Max let her and actually even scooted closer to Eleven and put her head on the brunette's lap. Max relaxed her whole body. Oddly she felt safe, protected and cared for under Eleven's arm. The brunette warmth was so comforting that Max slowly fell asleep again. Eleven started to caresses her hair gently.

Eleven enjoyed watching her sleep. She's beautiful, at least that what she thinks. Those freckles made her heart melt and whenever she got in physically contact with Max, her stomach turned upside down, leaving her with this weird but pleasant feeling. The redhead seemed so relaxed, it was adorable. And those lips. They looked so soft. All Eleven could think about is how it would feel to kiss them. That'd be weird though, right? I mean kissing Max? No. That's something that would never happen. Or will it?

A few hours later, Max was starting to wake up and could still feel Eleven's hand on her head. Surprisingly she didn't dream anything that happened. Eleven was still there, with her hand caressing Max's hair and watching her sleep. The only difference is that Max had now a blanket covering her body. Max hesitantly opened her eyes again and made eye contact with Eleven. The brunette gave her a little smile. 'Good morning.' Max smiled back: 'Good morning Eleven.' Max sat up and back against the wall next to Eleven. 'Did you get some sleep?' Eleven nodded: 'Before your nightmare.' Max was shocked, did Eleven really sit there for hours without moving her body except her hand, so that she could get some sleep. She felt bad and guilty about that: 'I'm sorry.' Eleven gave her the usual confused look: 'What for?' 'For ruining your night.' For ruining my night? Are you serious? I got to spend hours staring at the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen and caressing her flawless hair! But of course she didn't say that out loud. Instead she just put her hand on Max's knee and said with a soft voice: 'Don't be.'

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 'Hey girls, just wanted to say that Billy is going to be locked up for a little while. Meaning 25 years. You're safe. It's over.' It's faaaaar from over for me. Neil is going to kill me. Literally. Max could feel her heart beating. Of course she'll pay for putting Billy in jail. She just took Neils favorite punch bag away. And he had to somehow replace him, right?

'Ok, thank you Hop.' Eleven clearly wanted Hopper to leave, but why? Max obviously knew that Eleven wanted to ask her what her nightmare was about, or why her heart was beating faster than when they were getting shot at. After Hopper left, Max had to find a reason to escape. 'I should, uhm, probably get going.' Which was obviously a lie, because there's no way that she's going back to her place. So she just stood up and tried to walk away, but she felt a hand around her wrist. The action made her tense up, and Eleven saw Max wince, so she loosened her grip. 'Can we talk?' Eleven could sense the fear that Max was giving away. 'A-About?' Eleven pat the spot next to her on the bed, telling Max to sit down. Max shook her head: 'I need to go Eleven.' Eleven looked up sadly with her usual puppy eyes: 'I'm not a number. Call me El.' Max realized that she had been calling her Eleven for almost two days and that El didn't ask her to stop until now. 'W-Why didn't you t-tell me to s-stop calling you t-that?' Eleven shrugged and pat the spot again. Max finally gave up and sat down.

Eleven was trying to form a correct sentence, but after a moment, she just went for it. 'How are you doing?' Max was confused. Like really confused. Eleven saw that confusion and realized that she had to elaborate: 'Nightmare.' So it was about the nightmare. Great. Now what? I can't tell her what it was about and if I will then she'll start hating me again and that's the last thing that I want. But I can't tell her. Not that the nightmare happened in real life but it's one of my biggest fear. Neil. Neil hurting me. But I know that now that Billy is in jail, I'm going to be his new punching bag. His new doll. Ugh.

Max train of thoughts got interrupted by Eleven hand landing on her shoulder and shaking her lightly: 'Max?' Max looked at her, terrified by the thought that she had no other option than telling El. 'It's nothing to worry about. It happens all the time-' Ok, that was dumb, Eleven expression went from confused to worried and it was kinda adorable. 'All the time?' How could a voice sound so worried, yet so soft and comforting? 'Yeah. But it's ok Ele-...El.' Eleven shook her head and stood up, standing in front of Max. Eleven bend down until she was on eye level with Max and looked straight in her eyes: 'What are them about?' She won't give up until the redhead tells her, will she? Nope. 'Neil. My stepfather. He used to hit Billy, really bad. And I know that now that Billy is gone, I'll be his next victim.' Eleven looked at her with her ADORABLE eyes: 'Victim?' Max nods: 'He's going to beat me up...hurt me.' Eleven eyes widened and she slammed the door with her powers. 'No.' Max tried to stand up but El pushed her back down with her hands. 'No.'  'El, open the door and let me leave.' Eleven shook her head wildly: 'No. I won't let you get hurt.'

Max wasn't used that someone actually cared. Sure, her mother cared, but not like that. She would never stop Neil, isn't like she would even try. Honestly, Max was kind of scared, how would you react if a kid with that kind of powers just closes the door and pushes making you sit down. Actually, it gave Max butterflies, which she found very weird and unusual.

'E-El, please open the door.' Eleven clearly saw the fear in Max's eyes, so she sat down next to her and looked at her, while Max was staring at the wall: 'Max, are you...scared of me?' Girl you have freaking powers. Even Hopper is afraid of you. You can kill someone only by looking at them. I am terrified. Max nodded hesitantly: 'Y-Yes...I'm s-sorry.' Eleven put her hand gently on Max's chin and made her look at her. The brunette ignored Max's flinch and just stared her in the eyes: 'I would NEVER hurt you. NEVER. Ok?' Her voice was so soft and gentle, yet so firm. Max just nodded slightly: 'C-Can I go now?' 'Nope. I'm not letting you leave. I want to protect you. From Neil. From everything and everyone.' Max was shocked. Not in a bad way. Not at all. But the way she said that just made her froze. What's this feeling though? This physically feeling in my stomach. It's weird but not unpleasant. Butterflies? Again? What's wrong with me? This girl has killed humans. Ok they were bad, but still. 'You promised that you wouldn't use your powers on me again.'  'Not using them on you, on the door.' Max tried to stand up again but failed as Eleven got on her lap, facing her and hugged the redhead tightly. 'No.'

A/N: the next to following chapters are probably going to be flashbacks ;) <3

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