Chapter 4: You're Beautiful

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Song Inspiration: You're Beautiful by James Blunt

Sam was at school early the next day, standing in the parking lot waiting for her to arrive. He knew she would be there early. Mercedes was always on time and had a perfect attendance record. Even if she was sick, she made a point to make it up by doing extra credit or something. And sure enough, it would help her attendance. Just like clockwork, she pulled up and parked. Sam got his guitar ready as he held onto it, making his way over to her.

He watched her shut the engine off and gather her things before she exited the car. She was so busy taking care of her daily routine she didn't notice him standing so close. Mercedes turned around and lightly gasped. "Sam?" She breathed his name, causing the sound of her voice to send shivers down his spine. "Hey, Cedes." He smiled at her. "Good morning." She smiled back. "Isn't it kind of early for you to be up?" She asked before noticing he had his guitar strapped to him.

"Nah," He began. "I finished up swim practice a little while ago and I wanted to see you." Mercedes glanced up and noticed his hair was semi damp, but quick drying. "You better go inside before you get sick." She told him as she locked her car and pressed the alarm before she started to walk off. "I wanted to give your next gift." He said, softly causing her to stop and turned around. "Sam, this is sweet and all." She said before sighing and looked up to the sky trying to fight the tears that wanted to break free. "But you can't do this."

"Why not?" Sam asked innocently as he moved closer to her. "I have the right to sing to you and express my feelings. So what, if Shane has a problem?" Sam said, looking into her brown eyes. "I'm not cheating with you. You're not cheating on him. All I am doing is singing to you and reminding you of the truth."

Mercedes closed her eyes and knew if she opened them back, the tears would fall. "What truth, Sam?" She asked in a tiny voice. Sam reached out and touched her left cheek, causing her eyes to flutter open. Sam noticed the tears at the brim of her eyelids as she tried her best not to blink. "The truth that you broke my heart when you moved on so quickly. I had to move. My family lost all we had here and we ended up in a crappy motel. " He reminded her.

"I know that, Sam." She replied. "Then you also remember how we were struggling. I couldn't afford to even go to the prom until you asked me to go with you." He said, causing her to blink in confusion. The tears finally fell as she shook her head. " No, it was Rachel and I that asked you." Mercedes reminded him. "I know." Sam acknowledged. "But it was you that I said yes to." He admitted. Mercedes shook her head in disbelief as she started to disagree.

"Sam, we both asked you." She told him. "I know that, Mercedes. Rachel also asked me before on her own. Some time way before and I turned her down. I told her she wasn't my type." Mercedes stared at him as if he was crazy. "And I was?" She asked aloud. He just gave her a sexy grin as he leaned down. "You still are. Why do you think I am doing all this? Why do you think I have spent, counting today, four days to sing my feelings to you. And I have ten more days to go."

Mercedes shifted her weight from her left foot to her right as she couldn't believe they were both outside alone, talking about their feelings. "Why have you really done all this, Sam? Why won't you just move on, as I did?" She pleaded. Sam breathed out, deeply as he took her face in both of his hands and made her focus on his. "I have done all this because I love you. And because I want you back. I need you back. The reason I haven't moved on like you is that you haven't moved on."

Sam watched her look down as he frowned and continued. "Shane is a rebound. He may have you in his life, but he doesn't have your heart or your mind. Do you really want to tell me that he does? That your every thought is of him. That your heart beats faster when he's near or whenever he's in the room." He waited for her to respond. Sam was about to smile when Mercedes looked up and spoke. "Yes."

He blinked before he narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Yes, what?" "Yes, he does make my heart beat faster." She admitted. Sam took a step back as he looked at her differently. "Oh." He said as she thought she could actually see his heart breaking in his expression. "So, I guess that means you're going to quit all of this." She said before she turned to walk away. "No," Sam said. "I'm still going to finish my gift for you. And today is day number four. " He said as he began to strum the guitar and began to sing.

My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

Mercedes turned around as she remembered he sung this to her one of their times at the lake. She stood there as she watched him, watching her as he sang his heart out. She remembered when he told her the meaning of him singing this to her. How he remembered seeing her outside one day he was walking with some of his former teammates on the football team. He always thought she was gorgeous. A sweet person who always thought of others. He wished he had enough guts to talk to her away from Glee club. But he was so caught up in body image and trying to be popular. That the moment he saw her that day outside with her friends, he noticed her smile lit up her face and it made him smile wider. Made him hope for the day that he could be the reason for that kind of smile.  To be in her world.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Mercedes began to cry as she watched Sam's tears fall fast as he played the song in a intense way. His voice began to crack as she could hear the sadness in his voice as the song flowed from him to her. She stepped up some as he looked down and continued to sing. She didn't mean to hurt Sam like this. She never meant to hurt him at all. She just wanted to make it easier for everyone. Make everyone happy by just letting him go. Only it didn't make him happy. And she was feeling miserable. She was working so hard not to be a bad girlfriend to Shane, she forgot she was a bad girlfriend to Sam. She broke his heart by moving on and giving up hope that he could come back to her.

Her eyes started to get red as she continued to cry. Sam moved closer to let her see that his eyes were the same. He tilted his head as he leaned in and rested his forehead against hers as he continued to sing to her. She watched his body get closer without crushing the guitar. Mercedes closed her eyes as she felt the vibration of the music against her body. She opened her eyes back to see him looking at her as she noticed the light in his eyes was fading.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high, [ - video/radio edited version]
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

They continued to stand like that as his singing outgrew louder as he didn't care about how early it was. All he wanted was her to realize that he had to fight. He had to continue for both of them. That as long as he was strong enough for both of them, they would make it in the end. That they'll be back together someday soon.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Mercedes was growing tired of hurting everyone and feeling her own pain. So, she decided that she knew what she must do. She had to act quickly and deal with the consequences later. Sam stood back up straight as he finished the song and hoped that she would meet him halfway on it all. To just relax and enjoy it.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

Once Sam finished the song, he stepped away some as he spoke. "Mercedes, just enjoy the gift. If you don't want to-." He cut himself off, not wanting to finish the thought. "Just relax and enjoy it all. See you later." He sadly told her before he walked off. Mercedes went on the way she was originally heading into school. She knew that tomorrow, she going to let Sam and Shane know she's letting them both go.

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