Chapter 13: All I Have To Do Is Dream

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Song Inspiration: All I Have to Do Is Dream Bobby Darrin feat.Petula Clark (originally by the Everly Brothers)

"When I feel blue
In the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you
All I have to do is dream"

Mercedes sang the part Acappella as she read from the sheet music. Sam marked out her parts for her as she tried to focus on the song in her hand. A sigh escaped her plump lips as she fell back on the bed. The day had been a long one and her mind was still on the fact that Shane's true colors came out. "Oh, who am I kidding." She said to the air. "I caused that to happen. If I had just been honest with myself and both of them, none of that would have happened. At least I like to believe so." She mumbled as she felt the day start to take its toll on her body. She grew sleepy and let her eyes close not able to fight the tiredness anymore.

Mercedes opened her eyes as she glanced at the clock. It read that it was thirty minutes past ten in the morning. Her eyes opened up as she jumped up and rushed to the closet. "Oh, my goodness! I'm late for school! " She yelled to herself as she grabbed the first things she could throw on. "I can't believe I was so tired I overslept. Sam is going to be so mad."Mercedes mumbled to herself. "Mad about what?" A deep male voice mumbled from her bed, under the covers.

Mercedes paused in the middle of dressing to turn towards the bed. The voice started to speak again as a body rose up from under the covers. "I'm going to be mad about what?" He said as he sat up and ran a hand over his face, trying to wake up. "Sam!" She said with surprise. She slipped her shirt on quickly as she stared at him with horror. "What are you doing in my bedroom? My parents are going to kill you, then kill me. Then bring us back to life and kill us again." She told him before she slipped on her jeans.

Sam sat there half asleep as he used his left hand to scratch the side of his head as he stared at her. "Mercedes, your parents are going to kill me for sleeping in our bedroom?" He asked confused before stating a bit of factual information to her. "Besides, your parents don't live with us. You haven't lived with them since high school."

Mercedes' eyes narrowed in confusion as she walked back to the bed and sat on the edge. "Sam, what are you talking about? We're still in high school." Sam moved his right hand up and placed it on her forehead. "Are you okay? We haven't been in high school in ten years?" He admitted. "Ten years?" She repeated as he nodded. "Yeah. You and I finished college six years ago and I proposed to you right after. A year later we got married after you won your first Grammy. Then we found out we were going to be parents."

"What?" Mercedes said as there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Sam yelled at the door. The door opened and in walked in a little boy with tan colored skin and curly blonde hair. He looked about five years old and as he smiled, his green eyes lit up. "Morning, mama! Morning, daddy!" The little boy greeted as he came in with a piece of paper. "Morning, son. " Sam smiled as the little boy climbed up on the bed and sat down in between them. "Daddy, you told me to let you know when the teacher wanted the permission slips back. Today is the day. Our field trip is this morning." Mercedes just watched the interaction between father and son as she still couldn't believe her eyes.

Sam slipped on his reading glasses as he began to read the paper aloud. "This permission slip is for Mrs. Nadine's kindergarten field trip to the planetarium. Spencer Jack Evans is allowed to go on the trip on today's date. Please sign if he is going. And sign if you the parent (s) are coming to help chaperone." He finished before glancing up at the little boy named, Spencer. "Okay, Spence. Your mom and I agreed that it would be a good thing. After all, his is your first field trip." Sam said as he signed his name. "Here, Mercedes."

Mercedes shook her head lightly as she looked between them. "Mama?" Spencer called to her. Mercedes stared at Spencer as she saw that he was a combination of her and Sam. She softly smiled as she continued to look at his facial features. Spencer just glanced at his dad, who lightly shrugged. "Your mama's not feeling well, today." "But daddy, I need her to sign the paper as well. She's coming with us. Right?" Spencer pleaded before glancing back at Mercedes.

She shook her head to escape the dazed feeling taking over her. She took the paper as she signed her name, Mercedes Jones. Spencer looked at the signature before he spoke. "Mama, you have to add the 'Evans' part. Remember? You only sign 'Mercedes Jones' when you sign autographs and stuff."

Mercedes smiled a bit as she wrote some more before she looked at the signature. Mercedes Jones Evans. "Okay, Spence. Let mama and I get dressed and you go finish getting ready yourself. I'm going to make us breakfast today before we head to school." "Yay! Cinnamon waffles day!" Spencer cheered as he ran out of the room with his signed permission slip.

Mercedes sat there taking it all in as Sam noticed how quiet she was. "Mercy, baby, seriously now." He said as he touched her thigh, causing her to look at him. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked her. "Yeah, I am. I just had a dream that I was still in high school and I fell asleep thinking about the day Shane let me know how he felt about me." She told him as she covered his hand with her free one.

"Oh. Well, in case you needed reminding about how that week ended." Sam told her before he pulled her down in bed and showered her with kisses. Mercedes started to laugh as his lips tickled her on her neck and on her cleavage. Sam pulled away to see her face light up as she laughed really hard. "I love you, Mercedes Evans. I love you through everything and everyone. Through our past, our present, and our future. Never forget that, baby." He whispered before he softly kissed her on the lips.

"I won't. I promise." She whispered back, against his lips. The alarm suddenly rang as Sam groaned. "It's time to get up, Mercedes." He told her as he removed himself off her and got out of bed. Mercedes just closed her eyes and stayed there as she smiled at her life. "It's time to get up." He repeated over and over as the alarm continued to ring.

Mercedes opened her eyes and saw she was in her bedroom and she was alone. Suddenly there was a knock on her door. "Yes?" She sat up and smiled. Her mom opened the door and glanced from her to the clock. "It's time to get up, Mercedes." Mercedes nodded as she reached over and turned off the alarm. "Thanks, mama." She said as her smile fell some. She sighed at the great dream she had before she got up and got ready for school.

"Thank you, Sugar for your song," Mr.Schue stated as he looked to see who was next. "Well, we have our last two performers. Sam then Mercedes." Sam stepped up as he held onto his guitar. "Mr. Schue, I have been working on a duet with Mercedes for our assignment. So, we are both the last performance." He stated as he turned to see Mercedes stand up as well.

Mr. Schue nodded before he sat down on the front row. "Okay, let's hear it." He said. Sam and Mercedes nodded. Mercedes grabbed a stool and sat down as Sam stood next to her as he began to play the beginning notes. His gaze fell upon Mercedes as he started to sing.

When I want you
In my arms
When I want you
And all your charms
Whenever I want you all I have to do is dream...

Mercedes watched him as he kept his focus on her as he noticed her rocking softly as she seemed lighter. When she started to sing her part she looked from everyone to him as she noticed he turned his body towards hers.


When I feel blue
In the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you
All I have to do is dream...

Sam swore he could hear a bit of happiness in her voice as she sang with him. Her voice was so soft as she closed her eyes and let the words flow just as easily as he played the romantic tune. She opened her eyes back as he continued.

I can make you mine
Taste your lips of wine
Any time
Night or day
Only trouble is
Gee whiz
I'm dreamin my life away

Mercedes stood up and continued to sing as she moved the stool back. She walked back up to Sam as they both focused on one another. Sam smiled at her as he listened to her tell him the words he hoped to hear her say without singing.

I need you so
That I could die
I love you so
And that is why
Whenever I want you all I have to do is dream...

Mercedes reached up and lightly touched his arm as her verse lead into a verse they had to sing together.

Sam and Mercedes:
I can make you mine
Taste your lips of wine
Any time
Night or day
Only trouble is
Gee whiz
I'm dreamin my life away

Sam closed in and let their voices mesh as they sung the verse with passion. He watched her lean her shoulder into his arm they forgot everyone was watching them. Mercedes made sure the next verse was felt between them.

I need you so
That I could die

Sam returned the favor as he let her and everyone else knows how much this line meant to him. How he had been building up this huge Valentine's day gift for her for this one line.

I love you so
And that is why

They finished up the song's last verse together. Their voices softly fading together before fading away.

Sam and Mercedes:

Whenever I want you all I have to do is dream

Everyone clapping and cheered before standing up to give them a standing ovation. Sam proudly grinned as Mercedes hid her face in his arm. He felt her smile as he couldn't wait until tomorrow. Valentine's day.

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