Chapter 5 : I Will Always Love You

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Song Inspiration: "I Will Always Love You"(originally written and sung by  Dolly Parton) is sung by a man named John Nommensen Duchac. Musically he goes by John Doe. His version was in the movie The Bodyguard. Whitney's and Kevin's characters, Rachel and Frank, were dancing in a bar as it played on a jukebox. It has taken me a while to find this version because I wanted Sam to sing it to Mercedes. The irony is I had this originally written before Amber sung the Whitney Houston version to Sam on Glee.

Mercedes managed to avoid Sam and Shane all day. Well, she managed to avoid Sam outside of Glee and the classes that she didn't have with him. But in class she ignored him. And in Glee, she sat away from him and ignored him. She ignored him until Mr. Schue brought up Valentine's day once again. "Well, guys, I heard that Sam has a little Valentine project of his own." He stated before all eyes fell upon Sam. "You're singing a love song each day up to Valentine's day. And you have a big song surprise to showcase?"

Sam nodded as he smiled. "Yup." He said with a small smile.  "I heard the songs you've done already have been some great ones. Including the song you did before you began." Will said while everyone's attention was at the door. Mercedes glanced over to see Shane walk through the threshold causing Sam to stand up. "What are you doing here?" Sam asked, frowning. "To let you know, that this stops now! I heard what you did yesterday. Quit it, Evans." Shane said as he invaded Sam's space. Sam stood his ground and narrowed his eyes at Shane.

"Or what? What will you do to me if I don't, Tinsley?" He challenged. Before Shane could speak, Mercedes stood up and got in between both of them. "That's it!" She yelled, causing everyone to stare at her. "I'm done with this!" She yelled at them both. "I'm through with both of you. Apparently, I was already a bad girlfriend to Sam. And now, because of what I've been feeling and thinking and all this drama with Sam, I am a bad girlfriend to you, Shane!" She exhaled deeply. "You two are free and I will stay by myself. So, now we're all even!" She said before she stormed out the room.

Tina, Rachel, and Santana tried to run after her. Mercedes stopped in the hallway and glanced at them. "Stop, please." She begged. "I need to be alone for a few minutes. I'll be back." She told them. The girls understood before they turned and walked back to the choir room. They passed by Shane, who stood out in the hallway, staring at the back of Mercedes as she disappeared into the bathroom.

He frowned at the fact she broke up with him. But he started to smile when he knew that she wouldn't be with Sam. The knowledge that she was alone and not with Sam, made him feel better. Shane held his head high as he happily walked down the opposite direction of the hallway. Sam noticed the look upon Shane's face and it made him see red. He couldn't believe Shane was actually happy at what just happened. He sighed as he walked back into the room.

"Mr. Schue? I was wondering if I could do my next song here in class. Since it's almost time to go home." Will thought it over before he nodded. "Sure."

Mercedes wiped her nose, wiped her eyes, and then washed her face and hands before she took a final look in the mirror. She was ready to face Valentine's day and the rest of her Senior year alone. She took a couple of deep breaths and decided to head back to the choir room to get her things. She noticed how quiet the hallway as she walked down to the choir room. She held her head down when she walked in.

"About time you showed up?" Santana said, causing Mercedes to look up. "Santana? " She said as she noticed they were all still there. "What are you all still doing here? Mr. Schue?" She asked as she sat down in her seat. "We're waiting to hear Sam's fifth song to you." Will smiled. "What?" She said as she glanced at Sam who was walking up to the front without his guitar. In shock, Mercedes quietly sat down in the front row.

"Okay, Sam," Will spoke as he sat next to Mercedes. "Whenever you are ready." Sam gave a nod as he stood there. He gave a look around before he started to focus on her. He listened to the band and piano begin to play before he strummed his guitar and started to sing.

If I should stay
Well, I would only be in your way
And so I'll go, and but I know
That I'll think of you each step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you

Sam locked his gaze upon her face as she looked off to the side. He noticed the dull look in her brown eyes and saw that she wanted to cry again. He could feel his own tears start to up come up as he forced all his emotions into the words of the song.

Mercedes crossed her arms, but let her eyes slowly looked at him. He looked at her as if they were the only two in the room. She sat up straight as she silently exhaled at weight pressing on her heart. She watched him walked over to the empty chair to her right. Sam sat down, stopped playing his guitar, and made her face him while he continued to sing to her.

Bitter-sweet memories
That's all I am taking with me
Good-bye, oh, please don't cry
'Cause we both know that I'm not
What you need
But I will always love you
I will always love you

Mercedes kept her eyes focused on his as she felt him take her hands. He held onto them tightly as he pleaded in the song, his feelings for her. That no matter what, he loves her and always will. Neither of them noticed the soft smiles around them as Sam finished the song.

I will always, always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you

Once the song was over, they both silently sat there as Sam continued to hold her hands. Will noticed the couple remaining still as he began to clap. The rest of the room joined in as Will stood up. "Well, that is all for the day. Have a great weekend, everyone. " He said as they all got up and passed the couple before leaving the room.

Mercedes and Sam remained seated as they continued to look at one another. "I meant what I said, Sam." Mercedes finally spoke. "I know." He replied. "It's why I sang that song. But I am still going to finish up my gift for you." He told her. "Even, if nothing comes out of it." Mercedes blinked as she nodded. "Okay." Sam perked up and blinked also. "Okay? Really?"

"Yes, really." She said. "After all, I now have no boyfriend and no valentine's day. So, if you want to do this for me, it's fine." Sam finally smiled as Mercedes stood up. Sam watched her looked down at their hands before she spoke. " I can't go home unless you let my hands go." "What?" Sam asked as he shook his head, to clear it. "You have to let me go, Sam." She softly said. Sam noticed he was still holding her hand. He took his time letting them go before she stepped back. She grabbed her things as she walked out of the classroom.

Sam stood there as he shook his head before he whispered to himself. "That's just it, Mercedes, I love you so much that I can never let you go." 

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