Chapter 3: Put Yourself In My Shoes

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Song Inspiration: Put Yourself In My Shoes by Clint Black

Mercedes walked into school the next morning with her mind on yesterday. She couldn't get her thoughts off Sam serenading her in front of the entire cafeteria. And in front of Shane. Once they left the cafeteria, Shane yelled about the fact that Sam had some major balls pulling that stunt. Mercedes quietly agreed while she fought the smile and still couldn't believe it herself. She calmed Shane down and sent him off to the weight room. She felt like she could float her way to her next class. But that was yesterday and today is a new day. She opened her locker and saw a note fall at her feet. She bent down to pick it and opened it to see it was from Sam.


Happy Valentine's day. Well, an early Happy Valentine's day. Yesterday was just a sample of the beginning of what I have planned for you. My Valentine's day gift to you is a gift of song. Well, 14 songs really. A song a day, letting you and everyone know what I feel. And hoping one of the songs will be the one to win you back. And if I can't convince you by any of the earlier songs, I have a really good song saved for the last day. Valentine's day.

But, if all of this fails then I will try something else. And keep on trying something else until I win you back. I will fight for you for as long as I can. But I want you to know that I promise you, no matter how hard this is or how dirty Shane gets and he will. I will not play dirty back. I won't hurt you on purpose. And I won't hurt you like that. I would admit defeat and walk away first. I would let him have you before I would cause you any pain. I know you don't want to be the bad girlfriend and I know you don't want to cause him any pain. But I am still going to fight for you back. Just in my own way.

I love you. I never stopped.


Mercedes put her things in her locker and grabbed her books before she rushed to the choir room. She stepped in the room as everyone was either seated or standing around. She walked up to a seat and placed her books on it before she stepped back down and in front of Sam. "No, Sam." She simply stated as she held up the folded paper. Sam glanced at the note and smiled as she shook her head. "I see you got my note." He grinned at her.

"Yes, I did. Sam, I have told you that I have moved on." Mercedes firmly told him. Rachel, Tina, and Santana sat there and gave each other looks. Reading their mind, Mercedes glanced their way as she gave them a look of her own. Sam noticed the looks between the four of them before he spoke. "Why not? You accepted my challenge yesterday. So, I'm going ahead. Besides, I can give you a gift for Valentine's day. Even if it's a song a day, up to and on the day." He said aloud, making all the girls and Kurt gasp happily.

Mercedes lightly rolled her eyes as she knew why he just admitted it. Now, everyone knows and they are going to make sure that they are there to witness Sam wooing her. Watching him try to win the chance to have her back in his life again. "Mercedes, that is so sweet!" Kurt said aloud, while others agreed. "Yeah, Mercedes, very romantic." Tina agreed. "Sam, what is your first song for her?" Rachel asked before Mercedes cut her a look. Rachel smiled at Mercedes before she looked at Sam.

"Well, if I can have Puck help me on harmonica, I can begin." He said as he tuned his guitar. "And by the way, Rachel. The song is called, 'Put Yourself In My Shoes'." He told her as Mr. Schue sat in the back as he listened to Puck began to play the harmonica while Sam started to sing the song.

Your mind is made up you won't even try
You didn't even cry this time
You say that we could never see eye to eye
And one of us just must be blind

Mercedes crossed her arms and lightly rolled her eyes before making Sam see her expression. She turned away when he leaned around to make her see his face letting the words flow to her ears. She turned back and faced the rest of the room before Finn jumped on drums, the piano starts to play, and the band took over for Sam. He moved the strap of his guitar , so the instrument hung on his back as he stood in front of her and uncrossed her arms. Mercedes watched him take her hands into his.

We have our differences
We're still the same
See what we want to see
But you take a second look
And maybe things wouldn't seem the same
If you could see what you mean to me

He made her sway with him as he licked his lips before looking into her eyes. He made sure that she listened to what he was saying. Sam watched her close her eyes, trying to shut him out. He just shook his head and let one of her hands go to spin her around before he spun her back to him. Sam closed his arm around her waist before she opened her eyes to look down at his arm. 

She removed it before she went to sit down as he moved next to her and leaned his head on her shoulder. Mercedes made a face as she tried to hide the fact she was enjoying it. Something she knew she shouldn't be feeling, because she was with Shane. And Sam wasn't making it any easier with all the singing and touching her. And the dreams at night are making it all worse. It's like Sam has taken over every minute of her life.

Put yourself in my shoes
Walk a mile for me
I'll put myself in your shoes
Maybe then we'd see
That if you put yourself in my shoes
You'd have some sympathy
And if I could only put myself in your shoes
I'd walk right back to me

Sam watched her get up and try to head for the door. He jumped up and cut her off as he took her in his arms again. This time to dance with her as he spun her before he let her go and made sure she heard the next lines of the song.

You're gonna keep walkin' and
You're gonna pass me by
You say you don't even care
But I could always recognize a real good-bye
And I know your heart's not there

Mercedes' eyes went wide at the truth in the song as she realized he searched for this song on purpose and made sure it had meaning for both of them. Sam tilted her chin, so she could look him in the face. He wanted her to know that every day his heart was hurting and breaking and she was it's only cure. That he would heal so easy if she would just follow the song's instructions.

We've had our differences
We're still the same
Hear what we want to hear
Now I'm head over heels in the lost and found
It's a cryin' shame
I thought we made the perfect pair

Mercedes never thought she would be in a position like this. She never had this happen before and now she was at a loss on what to do. If only she never met Shane. If only she didn't feel the way she feels for Sam. He noticed the look in her eyes and saw the wheels turning in her head as he knew he had to plead his case. Sam let her go slowly, as he moved the guitar strap and began to play it once more as he finished the song.

Put yourself in my shoes
Walk awhile walk that mile for me
I'll put myself in your shoes
Maybe then we'd see
That if you put yourself in my shoes
You'd have some sympathy
And if I could only put myself in your shoes
I'd walk right back to me

Mercedes sat down as she watched her ex-boyfriend fight his way to be her current once again. And damn Sam and Shane both, because she knows the only one has her heart and her every thought. And that was Sam. She knows that deep inside he never was her ex. But the fact that he's the only one for her.

I'd walk right back to me

I'd walk right back to me

Sam finished as everyone clapped and cheered. Sam looked at Mercedes, waiting for her reaction. Mercedes noticed that he wasn't the only one waiting. She clapped and gave him a smile. Sam gave her a small smirk in return. "Let, the best man win!" Puck cheered. "And by best man, I mean Sam." Sam gave Mercedes an intense look as Mr. Schue calmed everyone down. He went to sit down next to her as Will began to talk.

They gave each other sly glances before they focused on what Will was saying. Shane looked in the room, from the hallway as he knew he had to figure out something. Even if it meant playing dirty to win. And he knew he was the true best man to win. He walked off as he thought to himself. I'm going to come out a winner in this, Evans. Not you. What do you have? Nothing. What do I have? Everything. And I have the most important thing, that you don't have. Her. Get ready to lose, geek.

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