Chapter 15: Loving Me 4 Me

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Song Inspiration: Loving Me 4 Me by Christina Aguilera

A/N: The info about the music majors for the college in Arizona, is real. They also have an aquatics program on top of masters swimming. I posted the links to the info on the dedication and special notes page. Thank you for reading! This is the last chapter. I hope you loved this final chapter as much as you loved the rest of the story.

One year later- Valentine's day

Sam wearily walked down the co-ed dormitory's hallway as he yawned. He had been so tired this year. His freshman year of college. Amazingly, he did so well in synchronized swimming his last year at Mc Kinnley he was introduced to a scout. They talked and he learned if he continued his hard work in and out of the water, there was a scholarship with his name on it. There was one catch, the university was Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. He had asked for some time to talk to his family before he gave his decision.

His parents and siblings were so excited and proud, they immediately gave their blessing. Dwight was thankful his eldest son had a chance to go to college and it was going to be paid for. While Mary simply cried for the good fortune placed upon her son. Sam was happy about the news until he realized that he needed to tell Mercedes. He made a promise to himself that nothing would ever part them again. And now this news was at his feet.

He waited until the end of the day and told her in the privacy of her bedroom. She carefully listened and understood what a good chance this was for him. He got worried at her quiet demeanor, once he finished explaining it all. Mercedes smiled before she pulled him into a hug. She told him she was so happy for him and stood up from her bed before going to her laptop. She typed on the search engine and made several clicks.

Sam wondered what was going through her head as she searched on her computer. She spent a few minutes, quietly going through several pages before she turned around in her seat. Mercedes smiled and let him know that it was a great choice. One he wasn't going to pass up.

He was surprised to find out that she applied to the school herself. She read they had a great music program and a really great aquatics programs. And that the school was a really good school. With her grades and being in Glee as well as The Troubletones and even a Cheerio for a short time, helped her get in. In fact, Mercedes got into other well-known schools. But she chose to decline their offer for a chance to go to the same school he was going to.

Sam knew at the moment, he couldn't love her any more than he tried. But he always made sure that he did. And he thanked the heavens above that she was here. Mercedes helped him with his studies more as well as he helped her work on her music. They basically had the same classes in music arts, even though their majors and minors were different.

He stood before a door and knocked weakly, waiting for an answer. He leaned against the door as he listened to it being opened. "Sam." Mercedes softly gasped as she reached for his arm, leading him in the room. She closed and locked the door before turning to see him rock slowly back and forth as he stood in place. "Aww, poor baby." She said taking his bags from him. Sam glanced with a tired expression at her looking back at him. "Mercedes, what are you doing in my room?" He softly asked her. Mercedes gave a small smile as she leads him to her bed.

She saw his slick back hair was dried and his eyes looked sullen. "Sam, this is my private room. Your private room is across the hall from me. Remember?" She reminded him. Sam simply nodded as he eased his head against one of her extra pillows. "I remember now. Just so tired from everything." He said as he closed his eyes. "I even forgot that today is Valentine's day. But by the time I remembered, I couldn't come up with anything." He told her as he slowly opened his eyes to look at her.

Mercedes gave him another small smile as she reached out and caressed his cheek. "Don't worry, Sam. You did such a big Valentine's day gift for me last year, I'm still good. In fact , today I have been listening to my Ipod of you singing all the songs you sang to me. I still have it." She held it up. "So, it's all okay. But I do have a gift for you." She softly told him.

Sam quietly looked at her as he gave a tired smile. "Really? What is it?" He asked as he tried to sit up. Mercedes just placed her left index finger upon his lips to hush him. "This." She said as he watched her use her free hand to turn on her mini notebook that was next to them on the bed.

Mercedes clicked on a song title and soon an familiar melody began to play. She helped Sam out of his jacket as she began singing to him.

People ask if I'm in love with you
Because I'm sitting here with your picture
And smiling to myself (I smile)
I'm kinda lost in my own thoughts of you
My heart speaks before my mind thinks through
And I blush as I say yes (yes)

He remained quiet as he listened to her, while he watched her toss his jacket on a nearby chair. She then moved down and took off his tennis shoes. She placed them on the floor before turned back to face him.

What a feeling of vulnerability coming over me
And I'm feeling weak and I can't speak (speak) and I can't think
Never thought I'd give in so willingly to a human being
With abilities to set me free
Free, and let me be me
Makes me want to say

Mercedes continued to sing to Sam as his tired eyes never left her face. She noticed through the tiredness, a twinkle softened them. She moved closer and hovered her face over his while she let her hands moved all over his body.

Your lips, your eyes, your smile, your kiss
I must admit it's a part of me
You please me, completely, believe me
Like a melody
Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof
We were meant to be
But the best quality that's hookin' me
Is that you're loving me for me (loving me)
Is that you're loving me for me (ooh)

Sam gently closed his eyes as he relaxed under her touch. He reached out and let his hands touch all over her body as well. They settled onto her hips before his fingers started to massage at her sides. Mercedes watched him open his eyes back and felt his hands closed around her hips. He pulled her on top of his body, letting her inhaled his smell of Axe body gel, deodorant, and a faint hint of chlorine from swimming. The smell began to relax her as she continued to sing to her man.

People ask why I'm in love with you
Well, let me start by saying
You got my heart by just being who you are
And what we got is between me and you
It doesn't matter about the money I make
Or what I do, or that I'm a, huh, a star

Sam could smell the cinnamon on her breath mix in with the cotton candy perfume she only wore for him. He loved how she made her voice sexy, light, and soft for him. Her voice was driving him insane and making him horny at the same time. Right now she made him tremble as her voice caressed him all over. From his mind and body to his heart and soul. He exhaled a deep breath before he whispered to her. "Lay with me." His voice breathed against her cheek.

Unconditionally you're there for me
Undeniably you inspire me, spiritually, oh so sweet
This is meaningful, it's incredible, pleasurable, unforgettable
The way I feel, so surreal
Makes me want to say

Mercedes did as she was told as she snuggled with him, while she continued to sing to him. The feeling Sam felt was out of this world. He felt like he was in Heaven. And lying next to him was his Goddess. This was the best Valentine's day present ever. And he knew from last year, that it could only get better.

Your lips, your eyes, your smile, your kiss
I must admit it's a part of me
You please me, completely, believe me
Like a melody
Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof
We were meant to be
But the best quality that's hookin' me
Is that you're loving me for me (loving me)
Is that you're loving me for me (oh oh yeah)

A yawn escaped his lips as both Mercedes' voice and the soft music was beginning to lull him deep asleep. He didn't want to fall asleep on her. But mixed in with the fact he was already tired, he was losing this battle. Mercedes glanced up, seeing the sleepiness on his face start to give in. She just continued to sing to him, understanding why he was staying up.

It's so amazing how something so sweet
Has come and rearranged my life
I've been kissed by destiny
Oh, heaven came and saved me
An angel was placed at my feet
This isn't ordinary, he's loving me for me

Sam was finally asleep before Mercedes adjusted herself in his arms. She placed her lips at his ear and gave it a kiss before she finished the song. She let her voice send pleasant thoughts into whatever dream he was having.

Stripped of all make up, no need for fancy clothes
No cover ups, push ups
With him, I dont have to put on a show
He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin
Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in
He's real, he's honesty, and he's loving me for me

Mercedes listened to the music fade off as she played with the top of his hairline as she looked lovingly at him. She leaned in as she pressed her mouth against his. "I love you, Sam Evans. Happy Valentine's day, baby." She said in vibration on his lips. She pulled back as she noticed the smile he gave in his sleep. Sam pulled her back against his body and snuggled with her before he buried his face into the side of her neck.

Mercedes sighed happily at the feeling as she was content at where they were right then. She closed her eyes, ready to go to sleep and dream of their future as husband and wife and any kids they could someday have.

The End

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