Chapter 7 : Always

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Song Inspiration: Always by Jon Bon Jovi

(Jan 29, 2012, A/N) : Don't know if they have named Mercedes' parents and brother yet.. so each different type of samcedes story I will probably just think of something until we get info.. like my fanon samcedes series I have different names for them.

Mercedes decided to spend Sunday in bed and catch up on some much-needed sleep. She was deep asleep when a guitar riff woke her up. She sat up as she heard the beginning of a song.

This Romeo is bleeding
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up

It's been raining since you left me
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see I've always been a fighter
But without you, I give up

She got up and went to her window and opened it and looked down to see Sam singing and playing his guitar to her once again. Her mind went back to the fact that he told her that he would sing a song a day. And sure enough, he has. He was now on day seven. She glanced back at the clock and saw it was thirty minutes past eleven. So much for sleeping late. She thought to herself as she walked away from the window and out of her room.

As she walked downstairs, she could hear him still singing. Mercedes tried to step up to the front door, but her parents were blocking the way watching Sam sing to a now empty window. They moved out of the way and let her walk outside and up to Sam. "Mark, do you think our daughter realizes that she just walked outside in her green Star Wars pajamas and her duck slippers?" Patrica Jones asked her husband, Mark, as they watched the sight before them.

"No, dear. But considering Sam bought them for her, I don't think he'd care." Mark Jones smiled as they continued to watch. Mercedes stood before Sam and folded her arms over her chest as she watched Sam watch her back, stepping up some.

I can't sing a love song
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me

And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always

Mercedes listened to the words remembering what she was feeling. She then remembered singing 'First Time Ever I Saw Your Face'. The same emotions she felt that day, she was feeling now. But she knew that she couldn't let him know that. She needed him to move on, alone. Like she has to.

Sam glanced at Mercedes' parents watching them both. He knew they loved him and he loved them. The same way his parents loved her and she loved them. But he just had to get her to admit she loved him as much as he loves her. That no matter what happened to cause him to leave, he was back now. Back to bring her back into his life.

Now your pictures that you left behind
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
To touch your lips, to hold you near
When you say your prayers try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine
To say to you till the end of time

Mercedes noticed how Sam put emphasis on the last verse before he hit the chorus. She nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip as she looked down and saw she was in her pajamas. Her hand instantly went up to the messy bun in her hair, surrounded by the blue satin scarf before she started to back up. Her eyes darted back and forth before looking back at Sam. He smiled as he started to sing the next verse.

Yeah, I will love you baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always

If you told me to cry for you
I could
If you told me to die for you
I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you

He noticed she was moving away, which caused him to move towards her. He quickly closed in and stopped playing the guitar and sung the rest acapella. Sam looked down at Mercedes as he took her hands in his and let his voice simply sing the remaining words to her.

Well, there ain't no luck
In these loaded dice
But baby if you give me just one more try
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives
We'll find a place where the sun still shines

And I will love you, baby - Always
And I'll be there forever and a day - Always
I'll be there till the stars don't shine
Till the heavens burst and
The words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you - Always

Once the song was over, they both heard the sound of clapping. Sam and Mercedes looked to the front door, where Patrica and Mark Jones were clapping. "That was so sweet, Sam." Patrica beamed as she continued to clap. "Yes, great work, son." Mark agreed. "How are Dwight and Mary? And Stacy and Stevie?" Sam gave a nod and smiled. "They are all fine, sir. They send their love." He said.

"Well, that's good," Patrica stated. "Are you joining us for lunch, Sam?" "No, ma'am. I just want to talk to Mercedes." Sam said as he glanced back down at her. Mercedes looked down at the ground as she sighed. "Okay, then," Mark said as he glanced at his wife. "Welcome back, Sam." He said. "Yes. Welcome home, Sam." Patrica chimed in before they both walked back inside.

Mercedes removed her hands from his before she walked over to the porch swing and sat down. Sam joined her and sat beside her, and made the swing move slightly. "That was beautiful, Sam." Mercedes began. "But then again, they all are." Sam turned some to face her as he rests his head on his fist and stared at her. "Thanks. The songs are coming to me so easily. Each one is something I want to tell you. But you won't stop to listen to me. So, singing the words in the song helps. It's getting you to stand still and face me." He said as he used his free hand and moved it up to the loose strands of hair that hung around her face. 

"Are you hearing what I say to you, Mercy?" He said to her. Mercedes couldn't help but smile at his nickname for her that he and his siblings came up with. She gave a slight nod before she turned her face and caught his stare.

He recognized that smile. She remembered when his sister and brother had a hard time trying to pronounce and spell, Mercedes. So when Stacy tried to spell it, all she could come up with on paper was M-E-R-C-Y. She thought the 'e' sounded like a 'y'. Sam watched Mercedes as she stared at the paper as Stevie stood next to Stacy, while they waited on her reaction. 

Sam sat next to Mercedes as he glanced between all three of them, waiting for someone to say anything. " Mercy." Mercedes said it aloud, trying it out. She glanced at the two young Evans children before smiling. "I love it! It's a cool nickname and I would be honored if you called me this." Stacy and Stevie grinned as they jumped up and down in place before throwing themselves on Mercedes for a hug.

Sam just beamed that he witnessed the girl he was falling for and his sister and brother connecting. And the added bonus was not only his parents falling in love with her, but her parents fell in love with him. Especially her older brother, who visited from college. He learned of Sam's love of movies and impressions and had found a kindred spirit. Sam remembered when Mercedes walked passed her brother's room and caught them going through old comics and trying impressions on one another. She playfully rolled her eyes and stopped at the open door.

Sam looked up to see her with her arms folded and a fake irritated look upon her beautiful face. Her brother, Greg, grinned and wrapped an arm around Sam's shoulder. "Mercedes, we share the same love of comics, movies, and we both do impressions! Where have you been hiding him?" "Believe it or not, I haven't been hiding him. He's in glee club with me and he took Rachel and I to prom, earlier this month." She explained.

"Well, are you two dating now?" Greg asked as he looked through his comic, with his free hand. Mercedes' mouth opened to speak but didn't know what to say. Sam caught her look as he decided to speak instead. "Yeah. Yeah, we are." Mercedes's eyes widened at his admission as Greg looked up. Mercedes fixed her expression quickly as her brother gave Sam another squeeze. "Well, welcome to the family Sam. Mercedes, you need to keep this one. Never let him go!" Greg told her as he continued to beam. He released Sam's shoulder as Mercedes gave a soft smile at them both.

Sam softly smiled back as he thought about Greg's words. He came back from the memory as he and Mercedes' continue to swing together. They both shared a look as they both realized they were thinking of the same memory. "So, how many days to you have left?" Mercedes said, cutting through the quiet. "Seven more days." He answered. "But I was wondering, if I need your help on the next to the last one, would you help me? It's in class." Mercedes turned her body completely to face his as she looked at him intently. "Why in class?" She asked, confused. "It's a twofer. For you and for our assignment that is due for Mr. Schue." He explained.

Mercedes' lips formed an 'O', as she understood. "But Sam, I have my own song to work on." She said as he stopped her from continuing to talk, by taking her hand in his. "Please? I will explain that you helped with me with song and since you couldn't work on yours, this will be our song together." Mercedes thought it over before she stared into his green eyes. "Fine." She smiled as he got happy and pulled her into a hug.

She realized it was an instinct move of his, but welcomed it just the same. She hugged him back before they reluctantly let the other go. Mercedes was the first to stand as she looked at Sam. "Are you sure you don't want to come in and eat lunch?" She offered. Sam stood up as well as he looked down at her. "Nah, I'm good. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He reached out and touched her cheek before he began to move away. She watched him walk to the truck and get in, before he drove off.

She sighed as she secretly thought she couldn't wait until the last two days of this gift of his. She was curious as to what the last songs were.

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