Rules & Requirements

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#1: BE NICE AND FRIENDLY: We take having a friendly community very seriously. We do not condone bashing, bullying, or false rumors. Any mean or derogatory comments made towards the club and/or the club's members will be deleted.

#2: WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE: We understand if you are accustomed to using profanity somewhat in conversations, but please keep it to a minimum. Overuse of profanity can be overbearing, demeaning, and can cause offenses to the person(s) you are speaking to. Any overuse or offense will result in you being unable to participate in the contest, even when you officially sign up.

#3: CHANGING NAMES: You MUST notify us of any changes to your username and/or book. This also applies to the decision of unpublishing your book. If you do not, as it is your responsibility, it will result in you being unable to participate in the contest, even when you officially signed up.


#1: CHAPTERS: Your book will need to have 8 chapters or more to qualify for the three rounds. Any less will not be accepted unless you apply for the short story category.

#2: GENRES WE ACCEPT: 📖 Acton/Adventure 📖 Fantasy 📖 Fanfiction 📖 Historical Fiction/Reincarnation 📖 Horror/Tragedy 📖 Paranormal 📖 Romance/Comedy 📖 Sci-fi/Virtual Reality 📖 Short Stories. 

#3: HOW MANY WE ACCEPT: There are 15 slots open for each genre. We wish we could do more, but unfortunately we are a small team. We cannot particularly rely on users outside of the Light Novel Society's team because we have seen so many contest accounts rely on users who signed up to be judges and never completed their job as promised. As a result, many genres were left unjudged and the accounts became dead.

#4: LIMIT PER CATEGORY: Good news! If you have more than one book you would like to submit, you can. However, the book you will be submitting next must be under a different category than the last. No exceptions!! You can only submit a maximum total of 3 books, so choose wisely!

That's about it! If you are unable to sign up this year, don't worry. There's always next year! Still interested?

 There's always next year! Still interested?

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