You two really do kind....*smile*

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Snow's pov
So Y/N,the thing I want to tell you that
some of the guys is not here because they did something stupid,so it me,you,Kayla,Smooth, and Jake with Mr.Chomp. Also we may going to see my brother somewhere in there. I said this while holding both of our bags
Oh..okay Y/N said a little worry.We was talking until we got to the gym.
(The gym is very big,it can fit the whole school in so you need to go outside or the back that kinda connect to the lunchroom.)
Y/N was very amazed by the gym,I just laughed a little.I tag on her a little to get her follow me to find our friends,we walk a little until we spotted them in far back,I told Y/N and we walk to them.Kayla and Mr.Chomp was eating chips while looking at Smooth and Jake argue about which snack is the best, Mr.Chomp roll his eyes and turn the way to see us coming to them,he yell Hi Winter and Mama!!! that get the others turn and wave at us,we kinda wave back with the stuffs.

Kayla's pov
I'm so glad you two finally came because those two was boring the hell out of us with Mr.Chomp nodded in agreement. *giggles* W.well we here finally so lets have fun.Y/N said as she sat Brownie down and grab her bag from Snow to get her fluffy cover out to put it down for all of us. Thanks Y/N Everybody said with a smile and got on the cover.
No problem guys, also I'm going to the snacks section. Y/N said she walk toward to back door to get snacks, Can I come too? Jack said as he getting up as well.Sure it well be good to known each other more Y/N said walking with Jake to the door with other people going to.I glad she got comfortable with us as I said this with Snow and Smooth agree with me.

Jake's pov
Me and Y/N was talking each other, that we didn't notice the BBC was behind us with some girls. We was on the topic about games until we heard some of the girls behind us said that girl who is with Jake is to fat and look like a mashmello and she probably have plastic surgery to get her body and gotta fat with it and some other things and that BBC agree with them, I'll look to Y/N, seeing that she was holding her hands together and ready to cry while Brownie just growl very low and stand next to Y/N.I just grab Y/N's hand and whisper to her that they are stupid and you are perfect no matter what,Y/N just smile and nod her head,said thanks. It was our turn to get snacks,Y/N was about to ask until she was pushed by Cartoonz and she got her zipper break off and show some of her chest and got her nose bleed a little bit.Brownie went front of Y/N and started to bark at them while they laughing at her,Y/N starting to cry and got up and ran out of the lunchroom with Brownie following her out.I shout for Y/N to come back and was about to chase her until I was stop by Lui who said where are you going bitch? I saw Snow and Smooth got out of the gym to see Y/N running away and the guys circle me with those girls cheering them on,Snow and Smooth came toward us. I hope Y/N okay in my mind as I was ready to fright them.

Y/N's pov
Why why why?!?! I said in my mind with Brownie by me,I stop and sit down on the floor by a locker and starting to cry with Brownie on my side just sitting next to me.I was crying until I heard What wrong Teddy?I look to see Delirious and Moo looking down at me.I turn my head and ask w.why w.ill yo.u car.e?while sniffle a little. While because we didn't want to bully you and really want to be your friend Moo said holding out his hand to you,you grab his hand and said thank you quietly.Now Teddy tell us what happened to you? Delirious said with his arms crossed.W.well Me and Jake was waiting for our turns we heard some girls that with your friends talk about me,Jake told me to they was stupid and I was perfect already,but when it was our turn,I got push by Cartoonz  and got my nose bleed a little and my zipper broke and they was laughing at me, so I r~I got cut off by them hugged me and both of them said We so sorry and we make sure to protect you but we don't know about the others.I slowly hugged them back and said You two really do kind while Brownie just barking happy to them.

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