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Snow's pov
Grrrr...I hurt this!! Y/N just ran somewhere and we getting very hurt like BBC as those hoes cheering them on.Smooth about to punch Lui in the stomach until principal thompson came in,the principal thompson was mad to see us fighting. Principal Thompson look around and yell What Happened?!?! with a very piss off look. Jack about to said what until he got hit in the stomach by Vanoss who smirk in victory. Principal Thompson have enough and said That it!!,You all go to my office while Ms.Berry look for Y/N.We all groan but listen anyway.

Moo's pov
Me and Delirious was talking to Y/N while Brownie was playing with her tail.We was talking until we heard Ms.Berry Oh there you are Y/N!! I been lookin~ She stop talking when see us with her. Ms.Berry went straight to Y/N and grab her hand and pull her up, and said to us you two stay away from her and you three have to come to the Principal's office now. Me and Delicious look at each other and got up and started to walk with Ms.Berry and Y/N while Brownie walk behind us.

Principal Thompson's pov
I just sit in my chair and my hands on my desk with the most frustrated face while the kids sit front of me just waiting for their parents to came. I heard door open to see Ms.Berry with Y/N holding Brownie with Moo and Delirious next to them. I thanked Ms.Berry and told them seat down. I ask them who started it? Jake said It was fucking Cartoonz!! Cartoonz got mad and said It was your and that fat girl fault!! That enough of insults and just get to the damn point!! I was angry at the point. They stay silent until we heard the door open to reveal all of them parents and Kayla with Mr.Chomp and their stuff. So what happen? said Wildcat's mom while the others mom agreeing with Mr.Cooper looking pissed off.While the did something bad to them I point to Snow,Smooth,Jake,and Y/N expect Moo and Delirious I said as Moo and Delirious moms sigh in relief while the others look mad,Mr.Cooper look even more pissed, he stand and look at his daughter and said This is why I want you in homeschool but you said you wanted try something new.... Y/N look shocked with the others and said B.but dad.,Mr.Cooper hold his hand up to stop his daughter and said no buts Y/N grab your things and we leaving. I said wait Mr.Cooper,I think I got a idea. Mr.Cooper stop and turn his head to me,I continue and said how about I put them in a competition where they have to worked together and if that not work then you can take Y/N out of school.I look at him, He sigh and look at Y/N then said fine if anything of the boys said something to her mean then it over.I smiled and said don't worry I take care of them.The kids look so shocked and said whaaat?? I look at the kids and said See you this Saturday.

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