Play games and talk

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Y/N's pov
As we were eating,Mr.Chomp and Jake was having a eating competition where in the point, Jake started to look like he going to pop until Snow hit him in the back hard, he got up fast and quickly went to the trashcan. Smooth got up and went to him, after that we finish and started to play some games, as I waiting for my turn, I felt some tap me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Mini.
(A shout out for GummyJellyBear for this idea)

Mini Ladd's pov
As Y/N turn to me, I ask her do you really remember me? with soft eyes. Y/N look shock but slowly smile and went to me and hug me, I shock at first but slowly hug her back, I look down and blush. I was in my mind thinking * she really is kind and so soft*, Y/N look up and smile at me, I smile back, now let play some games!! Y/N said without stutter on her words. I nod and said Let's do it!! We look at the screen to see, they start up Mario kart, Y/N said Oooo!! Can I play this one?!?! I laugh at her cuteness and sit next her, getting ready to play her and Kayla,Nogla. I sigh and think *I must really love her huh?*

Smooth's pov
As I was watching them play, I see Mini blush and scoots closer to Y/N, I rise a brow but shook it off since me and Kayla made a bet who can win Y/N's heart.

The End!!!

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