I so sorry Y/N...

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Y/N's pov
I sat next to Snow next outside the bathroom door, we was talking and she was hugging me,we continue staying there and talking until we heard hey guys!! We turn to our left side to Jake,Smooth,Kayla,and the pets coming towards us, Brownie jump into my lap while Mr.Chomp on Jake's shoulder, they all sit beside us and ask us Why we not in the Gaming Room? So Snow told everybody what happened even the part that I wasn't there for... I just sit there with no face experience, but everyone hug me even the pets.

Jake's pov
I was just hugging Y/N, in my mind I was very angry at Cartoonz how dare he said that to Y/N!! I just sigh,then we heard someone said Hey!! We turn to see Panda pull Cartoonz with him. We all just sigh of roll out eyes, got up and told Y/N we going to gets food, she said okay. We all walk away to the outside door to A Smooth's car.* Sigh* I hope she okay.

Panda's pov
I pull Cartoonz to where Y/N and Snow at, I was very mad and ask Why will you said that about her?!. Cartoonz didn't said and just let me pull him towards them. When we got there we saw others with them, but when they saw us they got up and told Y/N something and went somewhere else. I push Cartoonz by the Cutie and ask them Can y'all a least try to talk again? Y/N quickly nod yes while Cartoonz stay quiet. I just sigh and went back to BBS.

Cartoonz's pov
We both stay quiet until Y/N ask me Why do you guys hate us?, I turn to her and glare at her , she just put her head down while her mutt bark at me. I just look at her and said you know this not very easy right? She got a confused look on her, I just *sigh* and look at her with sad eyes and said you really don't remember us huh?. I don- she was cut by me hugging her with tears in my eyes and said I so sorry Y/N while she slowly hug me back.

Y/N's pov
I just sat there hugging Cartoonz with a confused look until I have a another flash back.
*Flash Back*
It going to be okay Toonz!! Little Y/N said this as she hug Little Cartoonz as he cry about his toy being torn by a dog. No it not how I suppose to take it somewhere without it stuffing coming out!! Little Cartoonz said looking up at Little Y/N with red eyes. She stay quiet until she jump up and said aha!! I know a idea!! Little Cartoonz look confused and ask What the idea? Little Y/N turn to him and hold his hands ( with he blush to), and said We can go to Mini's house to see if he can sew up your toy! Little Cartoonz has stars in his eyes and said That a great idea!! Let's go!! As he pull Y/N with him.
*Flash back end*

I giggles and smile, Cartoonz pull back and ask Why are you giggling? in a annoying tone, I smile and said O.h I ju.st remem.ber h.ow we always g.oes to M.ini for help. Cartoonz started to smile and crys as he hug me again and said You remember me and Mini!! Cartoonz hug me tight that Brownie growl at him. Cartoonz quickly stop and said sorry! I smile and said it okay.

What they didn't know was that Panda was watching them behind a wall with a smile on his face.

The End!!!

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