Chapter 1

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Harry POV:
Eight year. A new chance for all of us. Maybe I will become friends with Malfoy? No probably not. He hates me and I hate him, right? Still, I can't stand the idea of his parents getting send to Azkaban. He must be so upset about it. Maybe I could-
"Harry you need to change! We can arrive at Hogwarts any minute." Hermione says.

Draco POV:
Now that we are here at Hogwarts all the memories come back to me. Dead. Everybody is dead. Then why am I still here? I don't deserve this! I should have died instead of them. While thinking I saw a specific person staring at me. A person with a scar on his forehead and bright green eyes. Harry fucking Potter. Out of all people I could see, that could see me, it's Harry Potter? There is no way that I'm gonna enjoy this year. I'm getting interrupted by McGonnagal.
"Get in the carriages please and get ready for the sorting ceremony!" Sorting ceremony? Are you kidding me? I'm in Slytherin! I'm not gonna change that!

Please leave some tips in the comments because I'm still not sure about this story.
Xxx Author

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