Chapter 9

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Later the evening back in the dorm

Draco POV:
"What are we now?" I asked Harry with a slight shake in my voice.
"I hope boyfriends?" He answers, with a nervous look on his face. "Yes please" I answer and smile. Harry comes closer to me and kisses me. The longer we kiss, the more intense it gets. He pushes me on the bed and starts undressing me. I know he can see my scars but he doesn't ask about it, knowing how annoying it is if people ask about your scars all the time. He unbuttons my pants and starts going down to my chest. He leaves a few hickeys on my chest but then goes down.

The next day

Harry POV:
I wake up with a blonde boy next to me. We are both smiling to eachother while we get up. We put on our clothes and go to breakfast. Classes start in a few days so after breakfast we study our new books and talk a bit in the common room. Then we notice Ginny coming in.
"What are you doing here? This is for eight years only!" Draco says.
"I just want to talk to Harry if you don't mind" she answers him with a scared look in her eyes. "Actually I do mind. You hurt him and if you don't look out I will hurt you to." He says protective. If possible I start to love him even more but I do wanna hear Ginny's pathetic excuse for what she has done so I bring her to the hallway to talk.

Ginny POV:
"What do you want?" Harry askes me with a cold voice.
"I just wanted to apologise for what I did. I know it was stupid but I missed since you didn't talk to me so I talked to somebody else and we started to make out. I'm really sorry and I know I hurt you and I really regret it. You deserve better than me but please give me a second chance." I say to him desperately. I know I said something wrong but I honestly dont care anymore. My brother hates me and my ex boyfriend who used to be my best friend hates me to.
"I will never forgive you for what you've done. Sorry not sorry." He says and walkes away to the common room.

Draco POV:
I saw Harry walking in the common room with a smile on his face. He tells me what happened and I start to maybe hate Ginny Weasley even more.
"Of course you barely talked to her! You just arrived at this bloody school and it's still not an excuse to kiss some random dude in the library!" I say madly but laughing at the same time because she is so stupid.

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