Chapter 8

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Room of requirement at six

Harry POV:
As soon as we arrived we saw Pansy standing next to the entrance.
"Glad you two could make it!" We entered the room and saw a lot of beanbag chairs in all different colours. I sat on the red one and Draco sat down next to me on the green one. Pansy sat down to and began to talk:
"Is everyone here? Great! Let's begin with.... Truth or dare!"

List of people in the room:

Narrator POV:
"Okay so we start with.... Luna! Truth or Dare?" Pansy said.
"Truth" She answered.
"Veritaserum! Everyone get a cup and drink it!" Pansy Said, No, yelled to us.
"Okay, Luna. Let's start easy. Who would you rather do: Blaise or Seamus?" She grinned. Luna answered quickly saying "Seamus" Blaise slapped Seamus on the head and pretended to be sad and everybody laughed. Then Luna said: "Harry, truth or dare?" He answered with dare and he had to give Malfoy a hickey. The game continued for a while till Pansy got bored and offered to play Spin the Bottle. We all agreed and began.

Draco POV:
"FUCK YOU PARKINSON!" I yelled at her. She knew I was gay and hated kissing girls. Everybody laughed and insisted that I had to start. I skinned the bottle and of course it had to landed on Ronald Weasley.
"With or without tongue?" I asked Pansy and she answered "with tongue" so I kissed him. Then he spam and it landed on Ginny. Everybody started arguing if they had to do it or not and we all decided that they didn't have to kiss eachother so Ron spinned again. It landed on Harry. They kissed so Harry spinned. Fuck

Harry POV:
Fuck. I have to kiss Draco Malfoy. The boy in starting to like, knowing he wouldn't mean it. Out heads got closer together and I could see directly into his silver eyes. I opened my mouth slightly and touched his lips. Butterfly's went al trough my body as our kiss got more passionate. He put his hand on my waist and got closer to me. I hear Pansy saying that we could stop but we both ignored it and continued kissing. After what seemed hours we broke apart and blushed. I moved onto his beanbag and put my arm around his waist. The game continued but we where both not paying attention. All we could do was look into each others eyes and hold hands. We heard Pansy announcing another game but we ignored it. Our heads got closer and closer together and then I felt it again. His lips on mine. We fought for dominance but eventually Draco won and went to explore my mouth. We broke apart because we noticed that everyone was looking at us. We blushed again and participated in the games again, still holding hands.

Sorry for the long chapter, I was just feeling it.

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