Chapter 2

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Harry POV:
As I walk up to the sorting hat I feel nerves. What house will I get in? Honestly, I hope it's Slytherin. Then I will maybe be alone with Malfoy and we could become friends, because damn! He looks cute with his silver eyes and that hair, wow! No Harry, don't think about that. You're with Ginny now. But then suddenly McGonnagal places the sorting hat on me and without even thinking it immediately yells: SLYTHERIN!

Draco POV:
No. No No No No! Out of all people that could be sorted into Slytherin it's Harry Potter?! Torture. Pure torture. As he walked to the table I see his eyes. But they look different. They are no longer filled with hate but with...happiness? No, I must see it wrong. Why would he be happy to see me and be in the same house as me? But I get shook out of my thoughts by McGonnagal speaking:
"Dear students, some of you have started eight year today and I would like to inform you that everybody will share one common room but you will sleep with you're housemates. I don't think boys and girls should sleep apart, I except everyone to be mature enough to sleep together. Good luck"

Harry POV:
As soon as McGonnagal stopped talking Ron and Hermione came to the Slytherin table so we could walk to the shared common room together. I felt bad for Malfoy, but after all he still had Pansy and Blaise right?

In the common room

Harry POV:
We talked for hours, but eventually I got tired. "I'm heading to sleep guys. See yall tomorrow!" As soon as my head touched my pillow I fell asleep. Thank god McGonnagal gave us a week without classes so we could get used to our roommates.

Draco POV:
Thirty minutes after I saw Harry leave to go to bed I got tired as well. I entered the dorm and I saw him sleeping, with glasses and all. Then it hit me. I was sharing a room with the boy who lived. Me. Draco Malfoy.

I'm sorry if I'm writing things wrong,like "dorm" but I'm not used to typing in English. I never read Harry Potter in English either so it is new for me. Please don't be mad about it.

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