Chapter 10

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Time skip to first day of school

Harry POV:
I wake up by the buzz of the alarm clock. I hit it as hard as I can and see what time it is. 5:30
Damn that's early. I get out of bed and see that my boyfriend is awake to and go to the bathroom. I hop into the shower and enjoy the water going all over my body and put some shampoo when I get an idea. Our shampoo is pink. I think I can prank Draco really well. He's gonna hate me for it but it's worth it.

Later that day after classes

Draco POV:
Classes ended so I wanna take a shower when I hear Harry say that we run out of shampoo and that he is gonna her new one. While he's gone to get it I make some homework and I just finished it when Harry comes in. "Finally! I feel dirty." I say. He rolls his eyes and goes to the bathroom to put the new shampoo in there. When he's done I get in and wash my hair. I like to let the shampoo sink in my hair a bit so I have time to wash my body a bit. After I get out of the shower and I'm about to dry myself when I see my hair. "YOU SON OF A BITCH. IM GONNA KILL YOU HARRY JAMES POTTER. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME." I hear Pansy come in and she quickly comes into the bathroom to see what's going on when she sees my hair. She burst out in laughter and tries to keep me away from Harry so I can't murder him. "DONT LAUGH YOU BITCH HE FUCKING MADE MY HAIR PINK" she laughs even harder if possible and I hear the rest of the eight years students come in and everyone laughs. Some people even cry because of my hair. Eventually I start laughing to because, Draco Malfoy with pink hair? That's ridiculous. But because of al the noice McGonnagal comes to check and see if something bad is going on. When she sees my hair she tries not to laugh and sends everybody back to the common room so I can change. Then Harry comes in.

Harry POV:
When everybody is gone I get in the dorm to see Malfoy. He looks me  in the eyes and pretends to be mad. "You are not getting any kisses for a whole day" he says. I walk to him and beg for mercy, I even put on my puppy dog eyes. "Okay. For an hour." He says. I set a timer and we both head to the common room to talk to our friends. We are in the middle of a conversation when the timer goes off. I dive right onto him, what makes me hit Ron in the face with my feet and slap Hermione's tit. I strart putting misses all over him and notice that the whole common room is quit and is looking at me and Draco. We both start laughing really loud what makes people think we are crazy.

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