Chapter 3

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Harry POV:
"Sirius?" I say. I run to him but he seems to be getting further away from me. I want to see him and hug him but I can't. Then I see it all again. Bellatrix killing him, Sirius falling.
I wake up covered in sweat and hear a soft voice whispering to me.
"Harry? Are you okay? Do you want some water or anything?" It doesn't sound like Hermione or Ron, but like Malfoy. Then I recognise him. His silver eyes and his almost white hair. He looks amazing.
"I don't need anything, thanks. Just a nightmare." I say, trying to sound like I'm alright. Still I feel like he doesn't believe me. I look at the time. 7:30. It seems like a decent time and I hope Ron and Hermione are awake yet. They always help me calm down after I had a nightmare. As I walk to the common room I don't see Hermione or Ron, but I do see Neville.

"Hey Nev. Why are u awake so early?"
"I could ask you the same" he answers. I feel like our friendship is different after the war.
"I was just not sleepy anymore, you?" I say, avoiding the real answer.
"I was just... I want to tell you something." He said.
"I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I couldn't really find the time." Now I was starting to get really curious about what he wanted to say.
"The thing is... I'm gay" wow. I'm shooked. "Really? I mean not that I have anything against that but like, wow. I thought you liked Luna!" I responded.
"I did. But it wasn't love. She felt more like my sister than my girlfriend." He says.
I give him a hug and tell him that I will always support him no matter what. I was about to ask how he found out when a certain person came down the stairs. Hermione.

Hermione POV:
I woke up early with Ron next to me and tried not to wake him up while getting out of bed. I putted on some clothes and went downstairs to read when I saw Neville and Harry hugging and Harry saying sweet things in his ear.
"Omg I'm so sorry I will just leave." I apologise. "Hermione calm down we weren't doing anything." Harry responded.
"What? You were almost kissing dude." Harry and Neville started to laugh and then I got it. Harry couldn't be gay. He was in love with Ginny!

Sooooo. This sucks. I'm gonna continue writing it but I can assure you, it won't get any better. I hate my writing style just as much as Harry hated Voldemort.

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