Chapter 14

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Room of requirement, six o'clock

Harry POV:
As I sit down I notice a weird look coming from Ron's eyes. He is looking... worried? My thoughts get interrupted by Pansy screaming that we are gonna play truth or dare. "Harry, truth or dare?" She asks. "Dare bitch" i answer confidently. "Okay" She responded "I dare you to give Hermione a hickey on the side of her neck." She answers with a smirk. I get closer and closer to Hermione and I feel uncomfortable. After a few minutes I admire my work and nod. "Lucinda, Truth or Dare?" I ask. "Truth" She says with a smile and a small nod. "About who whas your last sexual dream?" I ask laughing. "Luna" she says blushing and looking at Luna who also blushed. "Pansy, truth or dare?" She asks, still a bit red. "Dare meeeeeee" Pansy says. "Dare ya to give Felix a hickey." She answers. After Pansy did it she says "Ron, truth or dare?" She asks. "Truth I guess" he says. "Did you put te condooms in Harry's drawer?" She ask getting excited. The veritaserum was kicking in and he answers "I was forced to, but yes" he says with tears in his eyes, full of regret. Suddenly the whole room gets quit. Then Pansy asks softly "By who?" Ron starts crying now.
"I don't know."

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