Chapter 12

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Harry POV:
I wake up in a bright room. I see multiple heads looking at me and whispering. I hear someone pushing them away and looking at me. "Hello?" I say with a voice that I don't recognise. A sick and weak voice. "Where am I?" I ask with that weird voice. I start opening my eyes more and recognise Madame Pompfrey. "Hello. How are you feeling?" She ask but I can barely hear her because of all the other voices behind her. I answer a few questions and then I can finally leave. I try to stand on my own legs but I can't so Draco picks me up. It looks like we just got married but I don't care. He brings me to my bed and lays down next to me. He whispers sweet things in my ears and I slowly fall asleep.

Draco POV:
When I'm sure he's asleep I get out of bed and clean the bathroom. I get rid of all the razors so it won't happen again and decide to just let myself get shaved in Hogsmeade. I clean the floor and get rid of the blood in the sink. When I'm sure everything is clean I get out of the bathroom and start at the bedroom. I first make my own bed and then get a broom and a garbage bag to get rid of all the things on the floor. I then fold all my and Harry's clothes and label some parts in our closets. I can't believe how messy his closet is. I then move on to the drawers. I first do mine and then go to Harry's. There I see something I didn't want to see. I see condoms. Me and Harry never use condoms because we are way to shy to buy them. Is he cheating on me? Omg. I can't handle the sight of it anymore so I ran out of the dorm and go for a walk outside of the castle. I sit down at a small bench next to the lake and read a book. Well I try. The only thing I can focus on is Harry.

??? POV:
I did it. I placed the condoms in Harry's drawer and makes sure that They were visible. I just closed the drawer and left the room. Draco will be mine.

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