Chapter 11

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Timejump 4 weeks later

Hermione POV:
I hear a strange noice coming from Harry's and Draco's room so I'm gonna check what's wrong. "Guys is there something wro- OMG" omg. I literally just walked in on them like that. I'm a horrible person.

Harry POV:
"I-I think I'm coming" Draco moans in my ear. But at that moment someone walks in. Hermione. Fuck me. Well that's already happening but Hermione walked in on us fucking. Fuck.

Two hours later

Draco POV:
As I walk up to Hermione I feel nerves. She notices me and gestures to me to sit down next to her. "Listen Hermione, I'm sorry you had to see that and I wanted to apologise for not casting a silence spell." I apologise to her. She laughs and tells me it's alright. We became better friends the last few weeks but Ron is still a bit weird about it. Maybe because he hates me and his best friend is dating me. Let's just hope dat Hermione doesn't tell Ron about it. I see Harry coming to us and we start talking with the three of us.

Two hours later

Ron POV:
As i walk down to the common room I hear people laughing. I recognise Harry's and Hermione's laugh but I don't know who the other person whas.
I got in the common room and saw white hair with a pink undertone. Draco Malfoy. He looked around and saw me. He smiled and greeted but I ignored it. I went back to my dorm and made my homework. At least I tried. Does my girlfriend like Draco Malfoy? No ofcourse not. I'm overreacting way to much. They're just talking. Right?

Hermione POV:
"Hey Pansy!" I greeted the girl. She smiled and said "Wanna catch a butter beer after school tomorrow?" "I would love to"

Time jump two hours later

*trigger warning (self harm)*
Harry POV:
Pain. Blood. I need it. I grabbed my razor and cut myself all over my arm. It hurt but I ignored it. I heard someone come in and scream but it felt like I was in a different world. I dropped the razor and everything got black.

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